새 생명을 가진 선천성 기형 심장의 래브라도 강아지 Ahead of the pack: Mabel the Labrador becomes the world's first DOG to have her life saved by open-heart surgery
선천성 기형 삼첨판막증을 가진 3살짜리 래브라도 강아지 '매이블'
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애너밸리 미크씨(69)의 잉글랜드 레스터셔의 집에서 회복을 기다리고 있다고...
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Ahead of the pack: Mabel the Labrador becomes the world's first DOG to have her life saved by open-heart surgery
Three-year-old pooch suffered from congenital tricuspid dysplasia
Valves in heart were fused together causing exhaustion and heart failure
Professor Brockman operated at Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, Herts
Now recovering at home in Leicestershire with owner Annabelle Meek, 69
Open-heart surgery may be fairly common amongst humans.
However, Mabel the Labrador set tongues and tails wagging when she became the first dog in the world to have her life saved by the procedure.
The three-year-old dog suffered from congenital tricuspid dysplasia, which meant that the key valves in her heart were fused together.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3500034/Labrador-world-s-dog-life-saved-open-heart-surgery.html#ixzz43LmIhlnq
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