무려 40kg을 들 수 있는 장난감 크레인 Massive Toy RC Crawler Crane Can Lift 83 Pounds: VIDEO

  이 크롤러크레인은 장비회사 립헬의 Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1 모델을 1:23.5 스케일로 

줄인 장남감 크레인이다. 놀랍게도 87파운드 40kg 가까운 중량을 들어올릴 수 있다.


Massive Toy RC Crawler Crane Can Lift 83 Pounds

March 18, 2016 Shane Hedmond

If you were a kid in the 90’s, remote control cars were all the rage.   You’d charge them up for what seemed like an eternity for about 15 minutes of drive time.  You built ramps to jump them off of and probably taped a Talkboy to them to spy on your siblings.  Now, it seems like there’s a group of adults that just don’t want to let go of those amazing feelings of yesteryear and we’re not upset about it.  A little while ago, we wrote about a perfect and fully functional 1:23.5 scale model of a Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1 mobile crane made out of Legos and now we get to show you a relatively massive remote control version of a Felbermayr crawler crane.

According to Youtuber monsterchannel24, who also posted the video, this crane was built by a “nice Bavarian guy” named Jeremy Abbott.  It’s not hard for us to believe he’s nice, because who could be mad playing with this crane all day?  In the video below, you’ll see the RC crane lift a 38kg weight, which is equal to roughly 83 pounds.  Everything on the toy is fully functional, from the crawler treads to the extendable boom to the counterweight system and support arms.

Is it necessary? No.  Will it help your job site in anyway? Not a chance.  Is it freaking cool? You bet. Do you want one? Absolutely.


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