건설도면 클라우드 어플 '플랜그리드' 윈도우 버전 PlanGrid is Now Available for Windows: VIDEO

PlanGrid is Now Available for Windows

Plangrid for Windows

플랜그리드는 PlanGrid사가 만든 건설용 클라우드 어플리케이션이다.

플랜그리드는 설계도면과 건설문서를 스마트폰이나 태블릿에 저장하고 수정사항을 공유할 수 있게 하는 

클라우드 서비스다. 2012년 아이패드와 아이폰용 플랜그리드가 첫 출시되었고 2년 후인 2014년 

안드로이드버전도 출시되었다.

제안서부터 청사진까지 건설 프로젝트의 모든 부분을 협업할 수 있는 툴로 인정받아 2016년 유망 스타트업

으로 선정되었다.

이번에는  윈도우 7,8,10에서 사용가능한 플랜그리드의 베타버전이 출시되었다. 

한달 사용료는 3만9천원부터다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

March 17, 2016 Shane Hedmond

Last year, we anointed Windows 10 as a game changer for construction applications and the Microsoft Surface Pro as the tablet to watch out for.  Now, a popular construction app is adapting to the Windows platform.

PlanGrid, a construction document management, markup, and annotation tool, has released a beta version of the application for the Windows platform, which supports Windows 7, 8, and 10. With this release, it effectively makes PlanGrid accessible on every major device you can imagine, so no one is left out.  PlanGrid initially launched in 2012 as an iOs application, before expanding to Android two years after that.

With PlanGrid, users can access the latest versions of construction drawings, view RFIs and attachments, and view, create and share annotations and photos through a web browser or mobile/tablet application.  The new Windows version also allows access to the application both online and offline.

To help get you started with PlanGrid on Windows, the company put together a quick guide to help make it seamless.

For those who aren’t familiar with the application at all, the video below gives a great and quick overview. Pricing for use of the application begins at $39 per month


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