6 Things Your Body Language Says About You: VIDEO

6 Things Your Body Language Says About You


body language attraction


Body language doesn't just refer to the signals you give your partner to let him know you're in the mood (or so completely not). Turns out, it's a scientifically proven means of communicating all sorts of messages without uttering a single word. In fact, a recent study found that simply nodding, tilting, or bowing your head can tip strangers off to your emotional state. 

Think of the last time you were in an elevator. If you were alone, you might have crossed your legs and leaned against the wall. But as soon as a stranger walked in, you probably uncrossed your legs and stood up straight. Changing your stance like that is actually a protective measure your ancestors passed down the genetic chain, says Joe Navarro, a retired FBI agent and author of the international bestseller, What Every Body Is Saying. "Your brain doesn't want you to be off-balance around strangers," he says. Standing up straight puts you on steady ground so you're ready to attack or run if necessary. (Sign up to get healthy living tips, weight loss inspiration, slimming recipes, relationship advice, and more delivered straight to your inbox!) 

Check out 6 things your body can reveal about your emotions, intentions, and state of mind—even if you don't say a word.



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