우주 정거장에서 발견된 UFO 이것은 진짜일까? Cigar shaped UFO spotted from space station - and conspiracy theorists claims it is the same craft seen by a shuttle: VIDEO

Cigar shaped UFO spotted from space station - and conspiracy theorists claims it is the same craft seen by a shuttle

우주 정거장의 1분 22초짜리 촬영 영상, 비행하는 실린더모양의 UFO가....

2006년부터 끊임없이 UFO라는 주장이 있어 왔지만

동영상을 보면 그것은 아틀라스호의 잔해임을 알 수 있다.

Clip is 1 min 22 seconds and shows the 'UFO' travelling with the station

Just as the UFO hunter was zooming in the screen went blank

Said similar to 'UFO' from 2006, but video states it is debris from Atlantis 


Most UFO hunters report seeing brightly coloured sphere shaped orbs floating around the darkness off space, but a recent sighting may change the way we perceive alien crafts.

A 'cylinder', semi-transparent shaped UFO was spotted in the live web feed from Nasa earlier this month, traveling alongside of the International Space Station (ISS).

The clip shows the anomaly trailing 'at the same speed of the massive US spacecraft and a Martian researcher says it is similar to 'the cylinder UFO and orbs seen on worldwide CNN back in 2006'.

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