멕시코의 아카풀코 해변에서 발견된 미스테리 괴기체 Huge monstrous-looking beast washes up on popular tourist beach in Mexico..(VIDEO)
경제문화 Economy, Culture/진기명기 Stunning scenes2016. 3. 12. 15:05
Creature from the deep blue sea!
Huge monstrous-looking beast washes up on popular tourist beach in Mexico leaving experts baffled
- 멕시코의 아카풀코에 있는 유명 비치 'Bonfil '의 미스테리 괴기체
- 길이 4m로 마치 괴물같은 모양을 하고 있으며 멕시코 해안 일부에 영향을 주는 강한 조류에 의해
- 해변으로 밀려왔다.
- 악취 등 나쁜 냄새가 나지 하지 않기 때문에 죽었다고 생각하지 않고 있다고..
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
- Sea creature washed up in Acapulco, Mexico, on the popular Bonfil Beach
- The 13-foot-long beast was brought to shore by strong currents affecting that part of the Mexican coast
- Officials don't believe it has been dead for a long time as it does not smell bad or have a fetid aroma
A monstrous-looking sea creature that experts are unable to identify has washed up on a tourist beach in Mexico.
The strange 4-meter (13-foot-long) beast was found by beach-goers on Bonfil Beach, in the city of Acapulco, in the south-west Mexican state of Guerrero.
Stunned spectators gathered around and took photos, which they shared on social media, speculating about the possible species of the creature.
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