UAE 전역 폭우 동반 강풍으로 아수라장 Video: Storm causes construction chaos across UAE

   어제 UAE 전역을 강타한 폭우를 동반한 강풍으로 도로 등이 침수되고 건물 공항 등이 파손되는 등

대혼란을 겪었다.

아부다비의 젬스 미국인 학교도 피해를 입은 건물 중 하나로 입구가 강풍으로 파손되었으나 학교 측에 

의하면 인명 피해는 없다고 밝힌 것으로 알려졌다.

동영상에 의하면 부상자들이 속출했을 것으로 보고 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

The Gems American Academy school in Abu Dhabi fell victim to the storm. 

Video: Storm causes construction chaos across UAE

by Ashleigh McGinley on Mar 9, 2016 

Severe weather has caused widespread chaos and damage across the United Arab Emirates over the last 24 hours. 

Buildings, roads and airports have all felt the effects of the storm - as heavy rain led to a significant number of closures across the country.

The Gems American Academy school in Abu Dhabi was just one of the buildings to witness the full brunt of the extreme weather after its decorative facade covering the front entrance of the building collapsed.

Commenting on the incident, GEMS's statement said: “GEMS American Academy experienced an unfortunate incident on 8 March due to heavy rain when the decorative façade over our front entrance fell.

"Fortunately, no GEMS American Academy community members were injured in this incident, and personnel from the school responded immediately to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

"We are in the process of appointing consultants to conduct an independent review of the structure in order to complete the rectification programme."

A video posted on YouTube by 7DAYSUAE, shows some of the damage caused.



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