샌프란시스코의 ‘로빈 윌리엄스 터널’ Robin Williams gets a new honour after tunnel in San Francisco
Robin Williams gets a new honour after tunnel in San Francisco is officially named after him
미국 캘리포니아 주 샌프란시스코 근교의 마린 카운티에는 무지개색의 아치가 그려진 터널이 있다.
최근 이 터널 옆에 새로운 표지판이 설치됐다.
이 터널이 ‘로빈 윌리엄스 터널’이라는 걸 알리는 표지판이다.
SF Gate’에 따르면, 이 표지판은 지난 2월 29일, 터널 양쪽에 1개씩 설치되었다고 한다.
지금까지 이 터널에는 공식 명칭이 없었다. 그냥 사람들은 레인보우 터널 혹은 왈도 터널(Waldo Tunnel)로 불렀다고 한다.
그런데 몇 달 전, 캘리포니아 주 의회가 배우 로빈 윌리엄스를 기리고자 터널 이름을 변경하는 법안을 통과시킨 것이다.
법안에는 이렇게 적혀있었다.
“로빈 윌리엄스는 샌프란시스코 노스 베이 커뮤니티의 친구였다. 그는 밀 밸리에 위치한 ‘142 스록모튼 극장’의 ‘코미디 나이트’에 즉흥적으로 참가해 젊은 코미디언들을 격려했다. 그는 매우 친절하고 겸손한 사람이었다. 많은 젊은 코미디언들이 로빈 윌리엄스처럼 위트와 통찰력을 가진 코미디언이 되기 위해 노력하고 있다.” (발췌)
The Huffington Post | 작성자 Dominique Mosbergen
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Caroline Westbrook for Metro.co.ukThursday 3 Mar 2016
The Robin Williams Tunnel in San Francisco is now official (Picture: Caltrans District 4)
Plans to name a tunnel in San Francisco after Robin Williams have finally come full circle after new signs officially naming it after the late comedian were unveiled.
The Robin Williams Tunnel – which connects the city’s Golden Gate Bridge to Marin Country – were installed on Monday, with the newly-named tunnel’s first full day of service on March 2.
The move went ahead several months after a bill was approved by the local authorities to change the name of the underpass, which was previously known as the Waldo Tunnel or the Rainbow Tunnel on account of its rainbow-hued entrance.
The California Department of Transport also announced news of the tunnel’s new name via social media:
‘Robin Williams was a friend to the North Bay community of the San Francisco Bay area,’ officials said.
‘He would often drop in unannounced at comedy nights at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley. There he would encourage young, budding comedians.
‘He did so with kindness and humility and many comedians aspired to perform with the same level of wit and insight as Robin Williams.’
Robin Williams took his own life in August 2014 (Picture: AP Photo)
Williams – whose most famous films included Mrs Doubtfire, Dead Poets’ Society, Hook, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam and Jumanji – took his own life in August 2014 at the age of 63.
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