학대받는 강아지 구하고 입양까지 한 가슴뭉쿨한 사연 Biker Rescues Abused Dog on Busy Highway and Adopts Him as a Co-Pilot
Biker Rescues Abused Dog on Busy Highway and Adopts Him as a Co-Pilot
브랜든 턴보우씨는 그의 아버지를 만나기 위해 오토바이를 타고 가던 길이었다.
그때 뭔가 이상한 것을 발견했다.
길 한쪽에 세워 놓은 한 SUV를 봤다. 그는 차에 기대어 뭔가를 마구 때리고 있었다.
그 남자는 작은 흰색 강아지를 배수로에 던져버리고 문을 꽝 닫은 채 운전해 가버렸다.
턴보우씨는 재빨리 돌아서서 강아지쪽으로 갔다.
온몸을 떨며 가쁘게 숨을 쉬었다. 혹시 물지도 몰라 강아지쪽으로 몸을 굽혀 확인을 했다.
강아지가 몸을 떨면서 자신에게 기대자 팔에 안고 오토바이에 태우고 소음과 진동에 익숙할 수
있도록 시동을 키고 끄고 안정될때까지 반복을 했다.
잠시 후 주차장에 도착해 턴보우씨의 아버지를 기다렸다. 아버지를 만나 자초지총을 설명하고는
45마일(75km) 떨어진 턴보우씨의 집으로 향했다.
집에 도착해서는 강아지를 우선 안정시켰다.
현재 턴보우씨가 구하고 입양까지한 강아지는 한가족이 되어 매우 행복하게 잘 지내고 있다.
턴보우씨 오토바이의 조수로서....
그의 새 이름은 Mr. 데이비슨이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
By Anna Gragert
Brandon Turnbow was riding to meet his father when he noticed something odd. From the seat of his motorcycle, he saw a blue SUV on the side of the road. The driver was leaning in to the car and punching something. Before long, the man threw a little white dog into a ditch, slammed his car doors, and drove off. Turnbow quickly turned around and found the dog, shaking and breathing heavily, about two feet near the edge of a crowded highway. "I take a chance and just fold my body over him to see if he will bite or trust me," Turnbow writes. "He then just lays his body into me shaking so I just stand up with him in my arms and sit him on the bike seat."
Before taking off to meet his dad with the dog seated on the back of his bike, Turnbow turned on his motorcycle so the pup could get used to the sounds and vibrations. He then waited for the road to clear and took off, repeatedly checking to make sure his furry friend was okay. After a short time, they reached a parking lot and waited for Turnbow's dad. When they met up and the dog's situation was explained, the trio took off so they could ride the 45 miles back to Turnbow's home and make sure the dog was safe. "We come to a stop at a 4-way red light and I look back and he is sitting there like he has rode all his life," Turnbow explains.
As they made their way home, the dog seemed to be enjoying himself. Turnbow noticed that he loved having the wind in his face and savored all the different countryside scents. Whenever they would pass a car, the driver would slow down so everyone inside could wave and smile. At that point, Turnbow realized that he'd adopted a new co-pilot into his family and, later on, he decided to name him Mr. Davidson.
Brandon Turnbow: Facebook
via [Good News Network]
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