기발한 껴안는 코지 소파 Cozy Sofa with Arms Designed to Wrap Anyone Sitting On It in Warm Hugs

Cozy Sofa with Arms Designed to Wrap Anyone Sitting On It in Warm Hugs

때로는 감촉이 부드러운 소파를 껴안고 잠도 자고 싶을 때가 있다.

한국의 이은경 디자이너가 '프리 허그 소파'을 선보였다.

인터넷 매체에서 화제가 되고 있는 이 코지 소파는 글자 그대로  침대 겸용 소파다. 

인형처럼 안을 수도 있다.

"프리허그소파는 몸을 따뜻하게 해줄 뿐 아니라 마치 엄마 친구 애인의 품안에 있는 것 

같은 느낌이 든다"고 이은경 디자이너는 말한다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

By Anna Gragert

Is there anything better than a warm hug that makes you feel safe and loved? This question was the inspiration behind designer Eun Kyoung Lee's Free Hug Sofa, which she created for the A' Design Awards. Aside from the sofa's cozy base, there's one feature that makes it entirely unique—it has arms! As you curl up on the Free Hug Sofato read a book, relax, or even take a nap, you can wrap the arms around you so that, according to Lee, "It will hold you warm and soft like your mother, friend, and a lover without feeling lonely."

The artist was inspired to create this thoughtful product after her sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. When she watched her nephew interact with his mom, Lee was immediately reminded of the safe, loved feeling she felt as a child and wanted to incorporate that into her design. When discussing her Free Hug Sofa, the designer concludes, "In [the] hardness and urban chaos of the world, people are going to live a pure emptiness, [remember their] forgotten childhood, [and] relax."

Eun Kyoung Lee: Website
via [Fubiz]


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