Loss of Appetite in Elderly: Causes and How to Cope

Loss of Appetite in Elderly: Causes and How to Cope

SOURCE images.wisegeek.com

What Should I do if My Elderly Parents Won’t Eat?

You’ve asked, and we’ve answered. Our recent senior nutrition poll highlighted readers’ concerns about elderly dietary problems—and your biggest worry is lack of appetite in the elderly. Poor appetite doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem, but there are some warning signs to watch out for, and some easy things you can do to help your loved ones get the right nutrition.

Elderly dietary problems can be caused by a number of different factors: lack of interest in food due to changing taste buds, depression, or loneliness; lack of energy to cook; loss of appetite due to health conditions; and medication side effects, to name just a few. Also, it’s normal for the appetite to change with age.

“I remind my clients often that loss of appetite (and thirst) is a normal part of aging and doesn’t always mean something is wrong,” says Heather Schwartz, A Place for Mom nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian at Stanford Hospital and Clinics. “However, minimizing the detrimental effects of poor nutrient intake is always important, no matter from where the low appetite stems.” And of course it’s critical to rule out any underlying health problems, so if your loved ones aren’t eating well, a good first step is always to consult a physician.

What’s a Normal Elderly Appetite? What Should I be Concerned  About?

The aging process brings with it a host of physiological, perceptual, and other changes that can lead to decreased appetite in the elderly. A lower metabolic rate and lessened physical activity means that seniors generally need fewer calories, and that’s normal. Dental problems or gastrointestinal changes (like lactose intolerance) that go along with age can affect the appetite, too. Changes to the sense of smell, taste, and even hearing can affect the enjoyment of food—also normal.

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