7.5MW의 초대형 풍력발전 건설 동영상 7.5 MW Wind Turbine Construction (Video)
산업과학 Construction,Science/건설영상 Video2016. 2. 21. 15:20
'Enercon E126'은 독일 에너지회사 에너콘사의 풍력발전 모델이다.
7.58 MW의 초대형 풍력발전 용량을 자랑한다.
동영상에는 2,500톤의 기초 콘크리트 타설부터 완료 시 까지의 과정을 보여주며 영상 촬영에
드론도 동원 됐다.
이 풍력 발전설비의 높이는 195m. 날개인 로터의 직경이 133m이다.
에너콘사는 세상에서 가장 강력한 풍력 발전시설로 소개하고 있지만 사실은 10MW의 해상
풍력발전설비 와 8MW 규모의 육상풍력발전시설이 베스타스사에 의해 이미 건설되어 육상
풍력발전 규모로는 세계 2위의 규모를 자랑한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
7.5 MW Wind Turbine Construction (Video)
February 17th, 2016 by Jake Richardson
If you have any interest in wind turbines, you might enjoy this 3-minute 42-second video showing a huge 7.58 MW Enercon E126 being assembled. The first images are of the enormous circular concrete foundation, which weighs about 2,500 tons, according to text below the video.
These initial shots are informative in that they show some human figures on and near it, which provides a sense of scale. You can also see a number of steel structures that look something like an internal frame. The technology used throughout the video is present here too – very long cranes, sometimes it appears with extensions.
Drone shots are used quite a bit in the video and at about 18 seconds there is a very impressive rotating, rising shot. If you want to more closely examine details in the various construction shots, you can expand the video to the largest size and stop it to look within them. This might be worth doing because in some shots there is a lot of equipment.
You can see why drones with cameras were necessary: the wind turbine’s height is about 650 feet with a rotor diameter of 443 feet. Placing the hub at over 400 feet seems particularly precarious, and watching the workers do it with precision is very impressive. Considering that wind turbines need to be located in areas with sufficient winds to turn the blades and generate electricity, it almost doesn’t seem possible that extremely long crane arms could be maneuvered so precisely to put all the turbine pieces in place to create the whole structure, but the workers do it.
At about 3:18 there is another scale shot, where you see humans standing and walking on one blade which is on the ground.
The video’s title says the turbine is the most powerful in the world, but that seems to be untrue.
There is a 10 MW offshore turbine and Vestas has an 8 MW turbine.
The video might have been made before these two larger ones became available though. Nevertheless, the video is fascinating to watch if for no other reason than to see humans pulling off what appears to be nearly impossible....
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