Smart Bricks - A New Way to Build(VIDEO) 스마트 벽돌 신공법

카이트사의 스마트 벽돌 신공법

미 특허 심사 중

이 벽돌은 특유의 성분 구성으로 친환경적 고강도의 콘크리트체를 만들어낸다.

기존 벽돌보다 강하고 가격도 저렴하고 공기도 빠르다.

냉난방비로 인한 전기비용도 줄일 수 있으며 벽체 바닥 천정 등에 모두 사용할 수 있다.

마치 레고블록을 연상케 한다.

Kite Bricks is developing a revolutionary product that will change the way we build houses, buildings, bridges and sidewalks. From now on structures will be real thermal, much more stronger and very cheap & fast to build. contact us -

Smart Brick is a revolutionary brick and the basis of a new construction system covered by issued and pending US patents.

The brick is amenable for building houses, buildings, bridges and more.. The block is constructed of high-strength concrete with unique properties that allow for the building of truly ecological structures, with large savings in electricity expenses associated with seasonal heating and cooling. The block allows for faster, cheaper, more precise, and stronger building than is available through traditional building methods.

Bricks are designed to be easily joined together, with open internal spaces for insulation and infrastructure elements to be run through the bricks and allow for easy access to these elements.

Floors, walls, and ceilings are all constructed by appropriate bricks to allow for facile, solid construction with little mess and significantly reduced construction costs.


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