Lady Lucan, 78, is seen for the first time since her husband is officially declared dead..(VIDEO) 영국 귀족 부인, 남편 행불 후 41년만에 모습 나타내

Pictured: Lady Lucan, 78, is seen for the first time since her husband is officially declared dead - 41 years after he disappeared following brutal killing of their nanny

Lady Lucan was spotted walking near her home in Belgravia, London

Dressed in trainers, tracksuit bottoms, pearl earrings and a smart coat

Lord George Bingham has finally been granted death certificate for Lucan 

The peer went missing in 1974 after his children's nanny was found dead

1974년에 돌연 행방불명된 영국의 루칸 백작 부인이 런던 벨그라비아 집 근처에 목격됐다.

목격 당시에 운동복 차림에 진주 귀걸이를 하고 평범한 외투를 입고 있었다.

그녀 남편인 루칸경은 1974년 아이들의 유모가 누군가에 의해 잔인하게 살해된 후 돌연 


남편의 행방불명 후 41년 만에 모습을 나타낸 것이다. 그녀의 나이 78세

루칸 백작의 아들 조지 빙엄경은 결국 아버지의 사망을 공식적으로 인정했다. 

그는 아버지의 뒤를 이어 8대 백작으로서 명예와 유산을 공식적으로 이어 받게 된다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki Chul, Hwang

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 


The wife of long-lost peer Lord Lucan has been seen out in public for the first time since her husband was officially declared dead - 41 years after he disappeared following the brutal murder of their nanny. 

Dressed in trainers, tracksuit bottoms, pearl earrings and a tightly-belted smart camel coat, Lady Lucan was spotted walking near her home in Belgravia, London. 

Yesterday, her son Lord George Bingham was finally granted a death certificate for his father and has now inherited the title as 8th Earl. 

Dressed in trainers, tracksuit bottoms, pearl earrings and a tightly-belted smart camel coat, Lady Lucan was spotted walking near her home in Belgravia, London

The wife of long-lost peer Lord Lucan has been seen out

The wife of long-lost peer Lord Lucan has been seen out in public for the first time since her husband was officially declared dead - 41 years after he disappeared following the brutal murder of their nanny


George Bingham, pictured as a young boy with his father, the missing Lord Lucan and his mother

Pictured: Lady Lucan, 78, is seen for the first time since her husband is officially declared dead - 41 years after he disappeared following brutal killing of their nanny

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