This Company is Literally Growing Bricks Like Plants 식물처럼 키우는 친환경 벽돌 제조 공정
This Company is Literally Growing Bricks Like Plants
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki Chul, Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
Green building is not just a trend anymore, it is making huge impacts all across the construction industry, whether by government regulation or market shifts. According to the US Green Building Council, the Green Construction Industry will account for 1/3 of all construction projects by the year 2018. That’s certainly something to pay attention to. But it’s not just building practices that are affected by green building trends, products are affected, as well. A startup company in Raleigh, North Carolina has a solution for the high carbon dioxide emissions created by firing bricks in kilns: growing them in a plant with bacteria and water.
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