Qatar to redevelop Central Doha for 2022 World Cup 카타르, 2022년 월드컵에 맞춰 도하 재개발 착수

Qatar to redevelop Central Doha for 2022 World Cup

The central Doha redevelopment will be completed in time for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. soure

edited by kcontents 

   카타르가 오는 2022년 월드컵에 앞서 수도인 도하 도심을 전폭적으로 재개발하기로 했다.

월드컵 개최시기에 맞춘 마스터플랜을 위한 입찰을 민자베이스로 시행할 예정이며
카타르 정부는 이를 위하여 특별위원회를 구성할 계획이다.

재개발지역의 범위는  25개의 인구밀집지역을 둘러싸는 라스 아부 아보우드에서 서부만지역까지다.
또한 이 개발 계획은 인프라와 주거시설의 현대화와 양질성 카타르 주민의 유산 보호에 촛점이 맞춰진다.

ki Chul, Hwang

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

by Ashleigh McGinley on Jan 27, 2016 
Qatar is planning a massive redevelopment of central parts of Doha city centre ahead of the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup.

The country is planning to partner with private sector companies in a bid to have the masterplan completed in time for the sporting tournament, the Peninsula reported. 

Qatar's Municipality and Urban Planning has set up a special committee to oversea the development of the inner city areas of Doha.

The redevelopment will extend from Ras Abu Aboud to the West Bay district, encompassing 25 densely populated urban localities. 

The report said the plans "will focus on Qatari heritage, quality and modern infrastructure and amenities". 

The ministry has called for several "development partners" from the private sector to come forward in a big to make the redevelopment plans a reality. 

Sheikh Abdurahman bin Khalifa Al Thani, Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning, said: “The development project will have a positive impact on our country and will contribute massively to hosting the 2022 World Cup soccer.

"Let's give this gift to our fellow citizens and residents of our country."


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