UAE: Etihad Rail suspends tendering for stage two UAE 에티하드철도 2단계 입찰 중지

UAE: Etihad Rail suspends tendering for stage two

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UAE 에티하드 철도 2단계 입찰이 중지됐다.
정부는 여건변화에 따라 2단계 사업의 일정을 재검토하기로 했다.

에티하드 철도 2단계는 UAE 다른지역을 연결할 뿐 아니라 사우디, 오만과 UAE국경을 
연결하는 아부다비의 건설망들을 포함한다.

유가하락으로 인한 정부 재정의 악화로 UAE 정부는 그동안 몇몇 지역의 프로젝트 추진을 늦춰왔다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Conpaper  Editor Distributor

Etihad Rail has suspended the tendering process for Stage 2 of the UAE's railway network as it reviews the investment. 

The state-backed firm, which is behind the construction of a new UAE railway network, is reviewing options for the timing and delivery of the project's second phase, according to a company statement.

Stage 2 of Etihad Rail involves the construction of a network in Abu Dhabi, connecting the Emirate's borders with Saudi Arabia and Oman – as well as connecting other areas within the UAE. 

As a result of low oil prices hitting state finances, the UAE government has begun to slow some spending and review construction plans in certain areas. constructionweekonline


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