태국, '방콕·파타야 3개 공항' 연결 철도 추진 Military government set to build rail link between 3 airports
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2016. 1. 26. 01:05
돈무앙, 수완나품 공항, 우-타파오 공항 연결철도
군부 정권 프라윳 찬-오차 총리
연구용역 착수 지시..3월 경 결과 나와
U Tapao airport 파타야 우타파오 국제공항 출처 udon-news.com
태국 공항철도 연결계획
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케이콘텐츠 편집
태국 수도 방콕과 유명 관광지 파타야에 있는 국제공항들이 철도로 연결될 전망이다.
25일 현지 언론에 따르면 태국 정부는 방콕에 있는 돈무앙, 수완나품 공항과 방콕 동남부 유명 관광지 파타야의 관문인 우-타파오 공항 등 3개를 연결하는 철도 건설을 추진키로 했다.
프라윳 찬-오차 총리는 최근 수완나품 공항과 우-타파오 공항을 잇는 철도건설에 관한 연구용역을 지시했다. 용역 결과는 3월께 나올 전망이다.
또 정부는 다음 달 수완나품 공항에서 방콕 시내로 들어오는 공항철도를 돈무앙 공항까지 연결하기 위한 1차 공사 예산 311억 바트(약 1조334억원)에 대한 각의 승인을 요청할 계획이라고 태국 교통부 차관이 밝혔다.
다만, 계획대로 사업을 진행하려면 방콕 시내에서 돈무앙 공항까지 연결 공사구간에 있는 14㎞의 공사 제한구역에 대한 용도 변경이 필요하다.
또 수완나품 공항과 우-타파오 공항을 잇는 철도 건설 비용이 자그마치 1천억 바트(약 3조3천300억원)에 달할 것으로 추정되는 만큼, 순차적인 예산 확보와 공사 진행이 불가피하다.
한편, 태국은 잉락 친나왓 전 총리 재직 시절에도 현재의 공항철도를 돈무앙 공항과 우-타파오 공항까지 연결하는 '슈퍼 링크' 계획을 세웠으나 실행하지 못했다.
(방콕=연합뉴스) 김상훈 특파원 meolakim@yna.co.kr
Military government set to build rail link between 3 airports
New Airport Rail Link to include Don Mueang & U Tapao
An Express train pulls into the maintenance depot of SRT Electrified Train Co (SRTET), which runs the current Airport Rail Link. (Photo by Patipat Janthong)
+ Planned rail system linking Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang & U-Tapao airports offers convenience to air travelers, but bottleneck in construction must be worked out first.
Almost six years ago, the Airport Rail Link introduced a fast route to Suvarnabhumi airport, offering speedy trains taking travellers right into the Suvarnabhumi airport terminal.
This year the government is set to offer even more convenience to air travellers by starting work on a new rail rail Meaning: the whole transportation system of trains connecting stations along rail tracks Thai Translation: รางรถไฟ, ระบบทางรถไฟ Learn more system with an ambitious plan to link together the Suvarnabhumi, Don Mueang and U-Tapao airports.
Previous governments had similar ideas to upgrade the Airport Rail Link to a "super-link" that included Don Mueang airport in Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi airport in Samut Prakan and the navy-owned U-Tapao airport in Rayong, but the plan failed to make progress until the current administration.
The findings of a study on the new rail link are expected in March this year.
The cabinet will be asked next month to approve construction of the first section of the 31.1-billion baht Phaya Thai-Don Mueang rail route.
The line is divided into two sections -- Phaya Thai-Bang Sue, and Bang Sue-Don Mueang airport.
A nod from the cabinet will kick-start construction of the 7.8km Phaya Thai-Bang Sue section, a mixture of a 4.3km elevated track and a 3.5km underground track.
This Phaya Thai-Bang Sue section must be constructed first because the government is also pushing ahead with the Light Red rail line project that connects Bang Sue and Hua Mak as well as Bang Sue and Hua Lamphong.
Phaya Thai serves as the first station of the original Airport Rail Link, the 28.6km line that links Phaya Thai to Suvarnabhumi airport.
Phaya Thai station is considered a good junction point for travellers visiting Bangkok because once travellers get off the Airport Rail Link they can board the BTS skytrain that, in turn, connects inner Bangkok and Thon Buri, on the west side of the Chao Phraya River.
Travellers at Phaya Thai station will get one more route running to Don Mueang airport where most budget airlines are located once the new Airport Rail Link is built.
The Suvarnabhumi-U-Tapao section of the Airport Rail Link, with a construction cost estimated to be at least 100 billion baht, is not a priority at the moment, but will need to be built in the long term.
One alternative is to include the U-Tapao airport station in a planned high-speed rail project from Bangkok to Pattaya and Rayong.
U-Tapao airport is scheduled scheduled Meaning: planned to happen at a particular time or day Thai Translation: ตามตารางเวลา Learn more to open for commercial service in July this year to help relieve overcrowding at Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports.
There is, however, one problem that has to be solved to make the Airport Rail Link a reality, a limited construction area in the 14km Bang Sue-Don Mueang section of the rail line.
There are three railway projects with the Bang Sue station on their construction maps: 1. the Airport Rail Link, 2. a section of the Red Line connecting Bang Sue and Rangsit, and 3. the Thai-Chinese and Thai-Japanese railway development projects.
It is impossible to funnel all the new railways into the same area since the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) which oversees the Airport Rail Link has limited space for rail route construction from Bang Sue to Ban Phachi in Ayutthaya.
There are initially two solutions to the problem. First, the Airport Rail Link could cancel the Bang Sue-Don Mueang section and have people who want to go to Don Mueang airport take the Red Line at the Bang Sue station. The other proposal is to share a rail track with the Thai-Chinese dual track project, linking Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima. The SRT is considering them both, but the share track option is more likely.
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