크레인 기사의 어처구니 없는 실수 Crane Operator Destroys Crane and Bulldozer Due to Stupidity(VIDEO)

크레인 기사에게 가장 중요한 것은 리프팅때 균형을 잘 잡는 일일 것이다. 미숙하거나 눈깜짝사이에

사고는 발생한다.

If you operate a crane and only know one thing, it should be weight distribution.  If you don’t understand that, things like what happened in the video below happen.

In the video, you’ll see a crane operator attempting to lower a bulldozer to lower ground using a crane, but the idea was clearly not thought out very well as the crane barely drops the bulldozer halfway down before it starts to flip, causing both pieces of equipment to crash to the ground, effectively destroying both of the machines.

The only smart thing this operator did was know when to bail. His dismount from the crane, as it was getting ready to flip was actually pretty impressive.  Thankfully, no one was physically hurt by the accident.


