사우디 재정 악화로 건설공사 선급금 20%→5% 하향 조정 Saudi Arabia said to cut advance payments to firms for state contracts

Saudi Arabia said to cut advance payments to firms for state contracts 

Riyadh Metro Project source bechtel.com

2020년까지 사우디 재정적자 추이 현황

source zerohedge.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

사우디 정부가 건설공사 시 지급하는 선급금을 20%에서 5%로 하향 조정했다고 현지언론이 보도했다.

사우디 정부는 작년 유가하락으로 거의 1천억불에 달하는 재정 적자를 기록한 바 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 


By Reuters Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Saudi Arabia's finance ministry has cut advance payments to firms doing construction work for the government to 5 percent of the contract value from 20 percent, a newspaper reported on Wednesday in a fresh sign of a clampdown on state spending.

The ministry has been cutting expenditure and trying to improve efficiency as low oil prices saddle the government with a budget deficit that totalled almost $100 billion last year.

A builder in the kingdom is entitled to an advance payment for certain contracts issued by the government.

This lets the firm move to the construction site, provide early payments to subcontractors and buy equipment from suppliers. The amount is amortised and later deducted from the contract value.

A circular issued by Finance Minister Ibrahim Alassaf reduced advance payments and also specified they should not exceed 50 million riyals ($13.3 million) each, the Saudi-owned al-Hayat newspaper reported.

A ministry spokesman could not be reached for comment.

Saudi construction firms are already under financial pressure from state spending curbs and rising costs for foreign labour. Abdullah Abdul Mohsin al-Khodari and Sons said on Wednesday it made a net loss of 1.04 million riyals in the three months to December 31 compared to a profit of 45.6 million riyals a year earlier.




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