첫 데이트에 두려워하는 5가지 Top 5 Fears People Have on a First Date

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케이콘텐츠 편집

    첫 데이트를 비롯해 첫 만남은 큰 기회가 될 수도 있지만 반대 상황이 발생할 수도 있다. 긴장되는 자리라 자칫 잘못하면 첫 인상을 구기며 만남을 망칠 수 있다. 

이 때문에 첫 만남에 나가는 사람들은 걱정을 많이 하게 된다. 이와 관련해 미국 인터넷 매체 ‘치트시트닷컴(cheetsheet.com)’이 첫 만남 때 사람들이 가장 두려워하는 5가지를 소개하며 이에 대해 대비하라고 조언했다.

“입 냄새가 나면 어떡하지”

입 냄새는 몸이나 발에서 나는 악취만큼 상대방을 불쾌하게 만든다. 하루 종일 입에서 신선한 민트향이 나게 할 수는 없다. 하지만 껌이나 구강 청결제를 가지고 다니며 수시로 사용하면 입 냄새를 방지할 수 있다.

“치아에 뭐가 끼어 있으면 안 되는데”

웃을 때 치아 사이에 이물질이 끼어있으면 상대방에게 좋은 인상을 주기가 힘들다. 이를 방지하려면 첫 만남에서는 음식 선택도 중요하다. 씨앗이 많이 든 번빵이나 양념이 많이 든 고기류는 피하는 게 좋다. 수시로 이에 뭔가가 끼어있지 않은지 신경을 쓸 필요도 있다.

“뭔가 흘리면 어떡하지”

신경이 과민한 편이어서 음식 등을 잘 흘린다면 약간 어두운 색상의 옷을 입는 게 좋다. 첫 만남에서 레드와인을 마셔야 한다면 하얀색 셔츠는 집에 놔두는 게 낫다.

“옷에 이상이 있으면 안 되는데...”

사람의 첫 인상은 신체적으로 어떻게 그 자신을 보여주느냐에 따라 좌우되는 경우가 많다. 단정한 모습을 갖추는 게 중요하지만 혹시 지퍼가 열리거나 해서 이상한 모습을 보여주면 첫 인상을 망칠 수 있다. 만남 자리에 나가기 전에 의상에 이상이 없는지 잘 점검을 하는 게 좋다.

“술을 너무 마시면 안 되는데...”

술이 약간 마시며 즐거운 대화를 나누다보면 상대와 금세 친해지는 계기가 된다. 하지만 첫 만남에서의 과도한 음주는 역효과를 불러올 수 있다. 첫 만남에서 술을 너무 마시지 않도록 주의를 해야 한다.

코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com)

Top 5 Fears People Have on a First Date

Julie Peirano 

Sure, there are lots of opportunities for you to mess up and totally blow your chances with a potentially great match on a first date, but don’t worry, you’re not the only one worrying about this. Even though your date might seem to be having a totally flawless experience, perhaps he or she is struggling with the very same fears.

In a survey conducted by WhatsYourPrice.com, an online dating site, five common first date fears were revealed, and according to this group of more than 80,000 singles, these fears are not so far out there. While first dates often conjure up a wide array of emotions, keep in mind that it is a date, after all, and it should be fun. Brandon Wade, CEO and founder of WhatsYourPrice.com, said, “The healthiest way to approach a first date is to be optimistic and open minded. If you’re constantly worried about everything that could go wrong, you can miss out on really getting to know your date.”

That said, common fears are still real, and for all the convincing you can try to do yourself, take comfort in the fact that your fears might be more common than you think. When all else fails, just imagine your date is having the same exact thoughts because, well, stranger things have happened.

When 81,923 respondents were asked, “What do you get most nervous about during a first date?”, these five answers came out on top:

1. Having bad breath: 36%

Bad breath is never a welcome scent, much like body odor or stinky feet. Sure, it might be impossible for you to stay minty fresh all day long, but carrying a pack of gum around couldn’t possibly hurt, right?

2. Something caught in my teeth: 25%

Unless you’re on a date with the kind of person who has no filter or shame and simply doesn’t care about laughing in your face when you’ve got a piece of spinach stuck in your teeth, this is a valid concern. So maybe skip the seeded bun and save the spicy wings for date No. 2 (or 3), but more than anything, hope for the aforementioned kind of date — it will make for a far more entertaining evening and quite possibly, a lasting relationship.

3. Spilling on myself: 15%

Much like the previous answer, this one can be rather awkward as well, but only if you let it. If you’re prone to being a bit clumsy when you’re nervous or around an attractive date, be proactive and maybe try sticking to darker colors. If you’re a red wine drinker, leave the white oxford at home.

4. Wardrobe malfunction: 14%

Like it or not, a major part of a person’s first impression is how they physically present themselves. If there were ever any debate on whether people typically prefer a guy who is well-groomed or one who looks like he just crawled out of a dumpster, well, I’d like to see that research. Don’t be too cool to take a few extra minutes before you meet your date to double check that everything is where it should be. Ever experienced an undone fly? Yeah, thought so.

5. Drinking too much: 10%

First of all, yikes! This can happen to the best of us, but no matter how many times you’ve gotten a little too tipsy for your own good, while it might be laughable in other instances, it could be a total deal-breaker when it comes to a first date. Sure, drinking is fun, and drinking and chatting it up with a prospective partner is even better, but being three sheets to the wind is never a good look on a first date.




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