미 텍사스 고속철 신칸센 도입, 지역 의회 반대로 제동 Texas NIMBYs Are Trying to Sabotage the Dallas-Houston Bullet Train Plan

주의회 의원 등 지역 유력자들, 

“강하게 반대한다” 항의서 주일대사에 송부

“지역 사회 파괴하고 싶지 않다” 호소

텍사스 고속철도 노선도 source neohouston.com


미 텍사스 고속철도에 신칸센(新幹線) 도입된다 Texas project privately raising $4bn(VIDEO)


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   JR 도카이(東海)의 신칸센(新幹線) 기술을 도입하는 미국 남부 텍사스주의 고속 철도 건설 계획에 대해 주의회 의원 등 지역 유력자들이 “강하게 반대한다”는 항의서를 사사에 겐이치로(佐々江賢一郎) 주미 일본대사에게 송부한 것이 13일 알려졌다.

이 계획의 사업 추진 회사는 2021년 개통을 목표로 자금 조달 등을 추진 중으로, 민•관 합동으로 구성된 해외 교통•도시 개발사업 지원기구(도쿄=東京)도 4천만 달러(약 490억 원)의 출자를 결정했다. 그러나, 지역에서 반대의 목소리가 높아진다면 사업 실현은 더욱 어려워질 우려가 있다.

항의서는 11일 자로 33명이 서명했다. 고속 철도가 건설되면 “외국 기업의 이익을 위해 사유지를 부당하게 빼앗기게 된다”고 비판했다. 자신의 추억이 담긴 소유지를 매각하고 싶지 않은 지주들이 많이 있다며 “지역 사회를 파괴하고 싶지 않다”고 호소했다.

이를 바탕으로 “신칸센 기술을 환영하는 장소는 다른 곳에도 있다”며 텍사스주에서의 계획 철회를 요구했다.【디트로이트 교도】

Texas NIMBYs Are Trying to Sabotage the Dallas-Houston Bullet Train Plan

America’s lagged behind Europe and Asia for decades on developing high-speed rail. Now, one of the States’ two most promising HSR plans—building a Japanese bullet train in Texas—is facing more opposition than ever. State officials just sent a letter complaining about the project to the Japanese ambassador.

We’ve reported on Texas Central, the private effort announced in 2012 that’s supposed to build a high-speed trail linking 240 miles between Dallas and Houston. TC is working working with JR Central, the Japanese company behind Shinkansen, the country’s world-famous bullet train that’s fast, clean, and safe. It was also the very first high-speed train built in the world.

Great, right? Well, not everyone supports high-speed rail. Earlier this week, it was reported that Texas officials have apparently sent a letter to Kenichiro Sasae, Japan’s ambassador to the US, urging him to nix the export.

Local media, including the Texas Tribune and Houston Press, say that 11 Republican members of the State Legislature, none of whom represent Dallas or Houston but rather smaller towns along the planned route, wrote:

“While we respect your country’s ambitious goal of exporting the Shinkansen technology, as residents and leaders in East Texas, we remain opposed to the HSR Project because it will cause irreparable harm to our communities.”

Their constituents who live within a mile of the planned route have valid concerns: They are worried it’ll infringe on their property, or that they’ll have to deal with noise or trembling ground.

Beyond those typical, reasonable worries (which are also found in California—America’s other state with a big HSR plan), another more compelling complaint is that many of the possibly affected rural communities won’t even be able to access and enjoy the train. Right now, the Texan bullet train’s only two planned stations are the terminals of Dallas and Houston. The Texas Tribune reports that only one other station is planned, near Bryan and College Station, cities that sit smack in the middle of the route.

The $10 billion plan theoretically won’t require public funding, although the Texas Tribune says that Texas Central hasn’t ruled out federal loans. Japan’s own government has invested $40 million of its own. But if citizens hate it, they won’t care how it’s funded. Texas Central claims on its website that it’s studied the locations of interstates, utility corridors, and private property to minimize the route’s impact on landowners as much as possible.

All opposition aside, the company remains confident that it’ll be fully operational by 2021.

[The Texas Tribune and Houston Press]

Image via Texas Central




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