중국, '지안-평양 고속철·고속도로' 건설 추진

중국 지린성, 15억 달러 투입

지안에 북중경제합작구 신설

63억 달러 규모

창춘-퉁화-지안-평양 약 800㎞ 고속철 건설 및 고속도로 신설 

중국~북한 고속철도 건설계획 출처 조선일보

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   중국이 압록강 유역 북한 접경지역인 지린성 지안을 새로운 북중 교역 중심지로 개발하면서 지안-평양 고속철도 건설을 추진하기로 한 것으로 알려졌다. 

중국 길림일보는 "중국 지린성이 앞으로 5년 동안 100억 위안 (약15억 달러)을 투입해 자강도 만포시와 마주한 지안에 북중경제합작구를 신설하기로 했다"고 자유아시아방송이 전했다. 

지린성은 먼저 대규모 통관시설과 물류창고, 가공공장 등을 갖춘 3.57 ㎢ 규모의 북중경제합작구를 지안시에 건설하기로 했다.

지린성은 또 총 사업비는 415억 위안 (약63억 달러)을 들여 창춘-퉁화-지안-평양을 잇는 약 800㎞ 구간에 고속철 건설과 함께 고속도로 신설도 추진하고 있다. 

지안-평양 구간은 약 400㎞로 현재 낡은 철도가 깔려있는 상태이며, 2010년 8월 김정일 국방위원장이 중국 방문 때 이 구간을 이용했다. 

그러나, 현재로선 북중 간 고속철 건설은 지린성 차원의 복안일 뿐 중국 중앙정부의 승인은 얻지 않은 것으로 알려졌다. 

한편 지린성은 압록강 유역의 지안에 북중경제합작구 신설과 함께 두만강 하류 지역에는 합작구보다 규모가 작은 통상구 4곳을 추가로 건설할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 

노컷뉴스 안윤석 기자 

China Busy Building Infrastructure Links with N.Korea

China's Jilin Province plans a high-speed rail network connecting its northeastern cities with North Korea as part of a project to develop the Jian region into a trading hub. 

The state-run People's Daily said the bullet train will connect the northeastern Chinese city of Changchun with Pyongyang via Jian. 

The province will also build a high-speed rail linking the Chinese city of Hunchun and Rajin-Sonbong in the North. It also plans to build a joint free economic zone in Jian and four smaller trade zones along the Yalu or Tumen rivers. 

There are already seven trade zones run by China and North Korea along the river, some deserted, but Beijing is clearly determined gain a firmer foothold in North Korea.

Brand-New Railroads
The distance between Changchun and Pyongyang is around 800 km. Jilin Province and Jian city officials say they plan to invest around W7.5 trillion into the Changchun-Pyongyang high-speed rail (US$1=W1,182). 

At present, a rickety rail line links Jian and Pyongyang, which are around 400 km apart. "The railroad already exists, so a high-speed rail connection will not be an impossible task," a local source said. 

Hunchun city officials, meanwhile, recently decided to invest in the Hunchun-Rajin-Sonbong high-speed rail link and development of the Rajin Port along with an ongoing project to link Hunchun with Russia's Vladivostok, according to the Xinhua news agency. 

Jilin hopes to turn the border city into a trade hub linking China, Russia and North Korea with the rest of Northeast Asia. 

 A bullet train stands by at a station in Hunchun, China in September when a high-speed railway was completed in this photo from the Yanbian Ilbo's website. There is no railroad linking Hunchun and Rajin-Sonbong, but a bullet train already connects Hunchun with the rest of China. Hunchun is the entrance to the Rajin-Sonbong Special Economic Zone, a mere 56 km away. 

China completed the high-speed rail between Changchun and Hunchun in September and another line linking Shenyang and Dandong in Liaoning Province in August.

Firmer Foothold 
China is expanding trade with North Korea by setting up join economic zones and trade zones. Jilin plans to spend W1.8 trillion over the last five years to build a joint economic zone with the North in Jian with customs offices, logistic warehouses and processing plants. 

According to data from the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, four trade zones will be built in Hunchun and Longjing. They will be linked by highways and rail. A new bridge over the Tumen River is also being built. 

A local source said it is more than 20 m wide and has eight lanes. In the event of an emergency in North Korea, two tanks can pass the bridge side by side. China apparently footed the entire W28.7 billion bill. 

But so far the projects appear to be pursued at the regional government level, and there have been no Chinese media reports confirming that Beijing is behind them. 

Still, China has been busy mending ties with Pyongyang. "China is concerned about the U.S. and Japan keeping it in check in escalating tensions in the South China Sea," a diplomatic source in Beijing said. "To prevent that, China needs to stabilize relations with its neighbors."   



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