로봇 역무원 배치한 프랑스 SNCF, 일본 게이큐 철도 Want to check out Pepper the robot in action? Head to a French train station (VIDEO)

독일 Aldebaran의 Pepper 로봇

출처 인터넷레일뉴스 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    게이큐 철도는 키가 120cm인 로봇 역무원을 도꾜 하네다 역에 배치하여 고객을 접대하도록 하고 있으며 프랑스 SNCF는 Pays-de-la-Loire 지역 3개 역에 비슷한 로봇을 배치하여 시험 운용 중이다.

하네다 역에 배치된 로봇은 SoftBank Robotics과 Aldebaran에서 개발한 Pepper 레인지 로봇이다.

Pepper 로봇은 3D 카메라를 사용하는 ‘social 로봇’으로 표정, 몸짓, 말을 이해할 수 있으며 상대방의 감성에 반응한다.

제작자인 Aldebaran은 Pepper가 접시 닦기, 진공청소 등의 기능로봇이라기 보다 ‘감성로봇(emotional robot)’으로 사람들과 교감을 통해 즐거움을 선사하도록 제작되었다고 말한다.

Pepper로봇은 영어와 일본어로 대화가 가능하며 스크린을 통해 한국어, 영어, 일본어, 스페인어, 포르투갈어로 환영인사, 여행정보 등을 보여준다. 여객과 춤도 출 수 있다.

SNCF 로봇은 12월 9일부터 Nort-sur-Erdre을 시작으로 Les Sables d’Olonne 및 Saumur에서 시험 운용되고 있다. Aldebaran은 Lyon에 있는 소프트웨어 개발회사인 Hoomano가 어플리케이션을 설계했으며 ‘고객이 인간형 로봇과 처음으로 상호 교감하게 된 사례가 될 것’이라고 말한다.

Railway Gazette, 2015.12.24

인터넷레일뉴스 유희복 기자

Want to check out Pepper the robot in action? Head to a French train station


By Lulu Chang 

In its short “life”time, Pepper the robot has seen and accomplished much more than many of us humans could ever hope to do. As one of the world’s first emotion-recognizing personal robots, Pepper is one hot commodity, and it’s no wonder that it sold out in less than a minute when placed on shelves in Japan. But if you weren’t able to get your hands on one of these smiling humanoid bots from Aldebaran, fret not — you can now see Pepper in action at French train stations.

While human customer service may be subject to human emotions, Pepper won’t ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed or spill coffee on itself in the morning — but it will have the emotional IQ to help out anxious travelers. Really, it’s a win-win.

Across three different train stations in France, Pepper will help across a variety of tasks, including welcoming guests (both arriving and leaving the station), offering travel information like train timetables, and of course, giving tips about what to do in local communities. It’ll also be collecting customer satisfaction surveys, and something tells me that filling one out at the behest of a smiling robot will yield some pretty high scores.

Pepper will begin its new job this month and will keep this latest position until mid-March of 2016, whereupon officials from the French National Railway Company (SNCF) will determine whether or not to expand the program and bring Pepper to other locations in the country.

Given the robot’s unique combination of machine precision and almost human “empathy,” the Pepper robot may be the closest model on the market capable of actually taking a human’s job. But of course, that’s not its purpose. Rather, according to the Aldebaran website, Pepper is simply meant to serve as a “companion able to communicate with you through the most intuitive interface we know: voice, touch and emotions,” and most importantly, live autonomously among humans.




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