독일의 자전거 전용도로 와 유로벨로 Germany Unveils the First Section of a 62-Mile Bicycle Superhighway

Germany Unveils the First Section of a 62-Mile Bicycle Superhighway

Above photo credit: Juergen Faelchle/Shutterstock

독일의 약 100km의 자전거 도로 중 5km구간이 시민에 개방됐다.

자전거의 오토반이라고 할 수 있는 이 도로는 폭이 4m 로 차량과 경계라인 하나로 공유되는 

기존의 자전거 도로와는 확연히 다른 자전거 전용도로로서 자전거 애호가들에게는 그야말로 

천국이 아닐 수 없다.

자전거 도로에서의 교차로 신호시스템은 자동차 도로와 비슷하다. 

보행자는 횡단보도와 육교 지하통로를 통해 도로를 건널 수 있고 신호등도 있으며 겨울에 

눈이 오면 제설작업도 하게 될 것이다.

[유럽의 유로벨로 자전거 노선]

총 14개 루트 70,000km 

North – South Routes:

1 – Atlantic Coast Route: North Cape – Sagres 8,186 km

3 – Pilgrims’ Route: Trondheim – Santiago de Compostela 5,122 km

5 – Via Romea Francigena: London – Rome and Brindisi 3,900 km

7 – Sun Route: North Cape – Malta 7,409 km

9 – Baltic – Adriatic: Gdansk – Pula 1,930 km

11 – East Europe Route: North Cape – Athens 5,984 km

13 – Iron Curtain Trail: Barents Sea – Black Sea 10,400 km

15 – Rhine Route: Andermatt – Hoek van Holland 1,320 km

West – East Routes:

2 - Capitals Route: Galway – Moscow 5,500 km

4 – Central Europe Route: Roscoff – Kiev 4,000 km

6 - Atlantic – Black Sea: Nantes – Constanta 4,448km

8 – Mediterranean Route: Cádiz – Athens and Cyprus 5,888 km


10 – Baltic Sea Cycle Route (Hansa circuit): 7,980 km

12 – North Sea Cycle Route: 5,932 km

Total network: Over 70,000 km


by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes 

Cyclists in Germany are getting their own form of the Autobahn. The country has recently opened the first five-kilometer (three-mile) stretch of a bicycle highway that will eventually span over 100 kilometers (62 miles). This special four-meter-wide (13 feet) path differs from a traditional bike lane, which typically shares the road with cars and is separated only by painted lines on the asphalt. The bicycle highway, however, is an entirely separate roadway that’s completely car-free.

Using the bike-only highway is similar to driving a car on an interstate. There are passing lanes, overpasses, and underpasses for crossroads. It also has streetlights and will be cleared of snow in the wintertime.

Photo credit: FooTToo/Shutterstock

City planners have the commuter in mind with this EuroVelo bicycle route. The extended path will connect 10 western cities including Duisburg, Bochum, and Hamm, as well as four universities. It will primarily run along disused railroad tracks in the Ruhr industrial region. The road is also easily accessible—two million people live within two kilometers (1.24 miles) of the route. In a study completed by regional development group RVR, it’s projected to take 50,000 cars off the road each day.

Like many civic projects, financing is a hurdle in completing the highway. Although the federal government is responsible for roadworks and waterways, this type of infrastructure is the responsibility of local officials. Many of these governments would have trouble paying for the maintenance, lighting, and snow removal that’s required. Luckily, there is hope for this eco-friendly form of travel: legislation has been proposed to get 180 million euros ($196 million) from the federal government in order to fund the entire route.

Photo credit: Solno9/Shutterstock

via [InhabitatPhys.Org]



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