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    뉴질랜드 교포 리디아 고(19)가 미국골프기자협회(GWAA)가 수여하는 2015년 '올해의 선수' 여자 부문 수상자로 선정됐다.

6일(한국시간) AP통신에 따르면, 여자골프 세계랭킹 1위인 리디아 고는 56%의 득표율로 박인비(28·KB금융그룹)를 제치고 올해의 선수의 영예를 안았다.

리디아 고는 지난해 에비앙 챔피언십에서 생애 첫 메이저 우승컵을 들어 올리는 등 미국여자프로골프(LPGA) 투어에서 5승을 거뒀다. 

이를 바탕으로 시즌 마지막까지 박인비와 각축을 벌였던 LPGA 투어 올해의 선수와 상금왕, 레이스 투 CME 글로브 타이틀도 가져갔고 GWWA상도 차지하게 됐다.

남자골프 세계랭킹 1위 조던 스피스(23·미국)는 98%의 압도적인 득표율로 남자 부문 올해의 선수가 됐다.

스피스는 "아주 특별했던 한 해를 굉장하게 마무리하게 해주는 상"이라고 소감을 밝혔다.

스피스는 지난해 미국프로골프(PGA) 투어에서 메이저대회 2개(마스터스·US오픈)를 포함해 5승을 거두고 1천200만 달러의 상금을 휩쓸었다.

그는 선수들의 투표로 뽑는 'PGA 투어 올해의 선수'와 포인트를 바탕으로 선정하는 '미국프로골프협회(PGA of America) 올해의 선수'에 이어 GWAA 올해의 선수까지 주요 시상식 트로피를 싹쓸이했다.

시니어 선수 부문에서는 챔피언스 투어에서 US시니어오픈 등 3개 대회의 우승컵을 들어올린 제프 마거트(미국)가 70%의 득표율로 올해의 선수로 선정됐다.

시상식은 오는 4월 6일 미국 조지아주 오거스타에서 열린다.

연합 kb@kyongbuk.co.kr


HOUSTON (January 5, 2016) — Even with the emergence of a new year, the old one was so good for a couple of kid golfers that it is still paying dividends.

Victorious five times each in 2015, Jordan Spieth, 22, and Lydia Ko, 18, were named Players of the Year by the Golf Writers Association of America.

 “It’s a great way to end a very special year,” Spieth said of winning the Male Player of the Year presented by ISPS HANDA.

Previously he had been named player of the year by both the PGA TOUR and PGA of America in recognition of a season in which he won the Masters and U.S. Open, captured the TOUR Championship and overall FedEx Cup title, and piled up more than $12m in prize money.

“It is an honor to win the Golf Writers Association of America Male Player of the Year award and have my name listed with so many of golf's greatest players,” Spieth said.

In winning at Augusta, Spieth matched Tiger Woods’ record 270 score and he came within a shot of a playoff at the Open Championship and a possible third straight major. Spieth finished second to Jason Day in the PGA Championship, but easily outdistanced the Aussie with 98 percent of the 205 GWAA votes.

Ko, who gathered 56 percent of the vote to win over Inbee Park, had one major title among her five wins, but it came in dramatic fashion. With a closing 63, Ko stormed to a five-stroke win in the Evian Championship in France, becoming the youngest women to win a major.

“I'm so honored to receive this award from the GWAA and I appreciate the recognition from the many media who cover the LPGA,” said Ko. “I am proud of what I accomplished in 2015 and I am working hard to continue achieving my goals this season."

The New Zealander also won Rolex Player of the Year honors, as well as the seasonlong Race to the CME Final.

Like Spieth, Ko is ranked No. 1 in the world.

Jeff Maggert, 51, devoted his full attention to the Champions Tour for the first time and it paid off handsomely, with victories in two majors, the U.S. Senior Open and Regions Tradition, and two other tournaments. He earned 70 percent of the GWAA vote to earn Senior Player of the Year honors over Bernhard Langer.

“I’m flattered that the writers honored me,’’ Maggert said of the award. “I’m looking forward to the dinner, especially if Jordan is there. He’s my little guy’s (Jake) idol. And my daughter (Madeline) loves him too. Maybe they can get an autograph.”

Spieth, Ko, and Maggert will receive their awards April 6 at the 44th ISPS HANDA GWAA Annual Awards Dinner presented by The PGA of America, PGA TOUR and USGA Wednesday April 6 in Augusta, Ga.




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