좋아하는 음악 = 맛있는 음식? Favourite music evokes same feelings as good food or drugs

도파민(Dopamine) 수치 크게 늘어 

source rockitboy.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


     좋아하는 음악을 들으면 맛있는 음식을 먹을 때와 같은 감정이 일어나는 것으로 나타났다. 스트레스를 받을 때 음식을 많이 먹게 되는데 좋은 음악을 들으면 이와 비슷한 실제 효과가 있다는 것이다. 

캐나다 몬트리올 맥길대학교 연구팀은 실험 참가자들에게 음악을 들려주고 심장박동과 호흡, 땀의 증가 등 생리적 요인을 측정했다. 그 결과, 평균 6~9%의 도파민 증가가 나타났고 어떤 사람은 21%까지 도파민 수치가 증가했다. 

도파민은 동식물에 존재하는 아미노산의 하나로, 자외선 작용으로 체내에서 생산되며 뇌신경 세포의 흥분 전달에 중요한 구실을 한다. 연구팀은 “즐거운 경험이 뇌의 보상 물질인 도파민을 조정하고 있는데 음악을 들으면 감정을 자극해 도파민을 증가시킨다”고 말했다.

음악을 듣는 것이 즐거운 경험으로 인식되어 대뇌 피질이 기대하는 화합물을 만든다는 것이다. 이전 연구에서는 코카인 등 마약은 도파민을 최대 22% 이상 증가시켰고 맛있는 음식을 먹을 때는 최대 6%의 증가가 나타난다는 결과가 보고되기도 했다. 

연구팀의 바로리 사림푸어 박사는 “이 결과는 쾌락과 관련된 종교적 의식과 영화 등에서 왜 음악을 사용하고 있는지를 말해준다”며 “음악은 뇌의 보상 반응을 이끌어 내는 신경화학물질과 연관되어 있다”고 말했다. 이런 내용은 영국 일간 가디언 등에 실렸다. 

Favourite music evokes same feelings as good food or drugs
Scientists show how the brain reacts to favourite tunes 

The score of Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings, the piece of music that proved to be most popular in Valorie 
Salimpoor's experiments. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian Graham Turner/Guardian 

Alok Jha, science correspondent
Ever had goosebumps or felt euphoric chills when listening to a piece of music? If so, your brain is reacting to the music in the same way as it would to some delicious food or a psychoactive drug such as cocaine, according to scientists.

The experience of pleasure is mediated in all these situations by the release of the brain's reward chemical, dopamine, according to results of experiments carried out by a team led by Valorie Salimpoor of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, which are published today in Nature Neuroscience.

Music seems to tap into the circuitry in the brain that has evolved to drive human motivation – any time we do something our brains want us to do again, dopamine is released into these circuits. "Now we're showing that this ancient reward system that's involved in biologically adaptive behaviours is being tapped into by a cognitive reward," said Salimpoor.

She said music provided an intellectual reward, because the listener has to follow the sequence of notes to appreciate it. "A single tone won't be pleasurable in isolation. However, a series of single tones arranged in time can become some of the most pleasurable experiences that humans have ever reported. That's amazing because it suggests that somehow our cerebral cortex is following these tones over time and there must be a component of build-up, anticipation, expectation."

In the experiment, participants chose instrumental pieces of music that gave them goosebumps, but which had no specific memories attached to them. Lyrics were banned because the researchers did not want their results confounded by any associations participants might have had to the words they heard.

The pieces chosen ranged from classical to rock, punk and electronic dance music. "One piece of music kept coming up for different people – Barber's Adagio for Strings," said Salimpoor. It was the favourite classical piece and a remix of the tune was the most popular in the dance, trance and techno genres.

As the participants listened to their music, Salimpoor's team measured a range of physiological factors including heart rate and increases in respiration and sweating. She found that the participants had a 6-9% relative increase in their dopamine levels when compared with a control condition in which the participants listened to each other's choices of music. "One person experienced a 21% increase. That demonstrates that, for some people, it can be really intensely pleasurable," she said.

In previous studies with psychoactive drugs such as cocaine, Salimpoor said relative dopamine increases in the brain had been above 22%, while a relative increase of up to 6% was experienced when eating pleasurable meals.

Salimpoor and her colleagues concluded: "If music-induced emotional states can lead to dopamine release, as our findings indicate, it may begin to explain why musical experiences are so valued. These results further speak to why music can be effectively used in rituals, marketing or film to manipulate hedonistic states. Our findings provide neurochemical evidence that intense emotional responses to music involve ancient reward circuitry and serve as a starting point for more detailed investigations of the biological substrates that underlie abstract forms of pleasure."



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