2016년 중동(GCC) Top5 프로젝트 Top 5 GCC infra developments due in 2016(VIDEO)

Top 5 GCC infra developments due in 2016

As lowered oil prices trim GCC budgets for 2016, Construction Week rounds up the top five infrastructure developments, including contract awards, project completion, and operation, to look forward to in the new year

2016년 GCC국가의 예산은 저유가 때문에 조정이 불가피하다.

컨스트럭션 위크지는 내년에 완공 또는 착수해야할 프로젝트 5개의 프로젝트 선정했다.

Oman Muscat International Airport 오만 무스카트 국제공항 프로젝트

Up to 40 tenders will be floated for the construction of Muscat International Airport, with contracts likely to be awarded by mid-2016. Aimen Ahmed Al Hosni, acting CEO of Oman Airport Management Company (OAMC), said deals worth $259.7m (OMR100m) will be awarded to build the new airport. Up to 10% of these deals will be presented to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 

40개사가 입찰에 참여해 내년 중반경 낙찰자가 선정될 예정이다.

공사비는 2.6억불 규모

UAE Etihad Rail Stage 2  UAE 에티하드 철도프로젝트 2단계

Contracts for the 628km Etihad Rail Stage 2 are due to be awarded in 2015 and 2016. The contracts will be a part of the $11bn Etihad Rail project. These deals are expected to benefit the region's construction equipment sector. 

올해부터 내년까지 낙찰자가 결정된다. 

총 110억불의 에티하드 철도프로젝트의 일부이다.

Qatar Laffan Refinery 2 (LR2) 카타르 라판 정유플랜트 프로젝트 2

Laffan Refinery 2 (LR2) is expected to be fully operational by the third quarter of 2016, according to Qatar Petroleum's (QP) annual report. This facility will increase Laffan Refinery’s overall processing capacity to 292,000 b/ld by adding an additional 146,000 b/sd (barrels per stream day

2016년 3/4분기에 상업운전에 들어간다. 

Saudi’s Haramain High Speed Railway project 

사우디 하라마인 고속철도 프로젝트

Saudi Arabia’s new high speed railway will begin operating next year and carry up to two million pilgrims to and from Makkah. Saudi Gazette quoted an unnamed official from Saudi’s Haramain High Speed Railway project as saying a total of 35 trains will be up and running – reducing the need for hundreds of buses to transport pilgrims between Makkah and Madinah.

사우디의 하라마인 고속철은 내년부터 운용에 들어간다. 성지 메카를 왕복하며 년 2백만영의 순례자들이 이용할 것으로 보고 있다.

Kuwait International Airport Terminal Project 

쿠웨이트 국제공항 여객터미널 프로젝트 

Kuwait's Ministry of Public Works has announced that a $3.3bn passenger terminal under construction at Kuwait International Airport (KIA) is due to open in September 2016. The terminal will transform KIA into a regional hub, Kuwait's state news agency Kuna reported Sunday, citing Faisal Majeed, acting director of the head of the advisory department at the ministry.

33억불 규모로 내년 9월에 완공된다.




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