日, 내년 봄 부터 드론으로 재난 구호물자 수송 Drones to play disaster-relief role in Japan next year(VIDEO)
지진이나 호우 피해 고립 지역 구호 물자 수송
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Sony's aerosense drone in flight source damngeeky.com
edited by kcontents
케이콘텐츠 편집
일본에서 소형무인기(드론)로 구호 물자를 수송하는 사업이 내년부터 시작된다.
요미우리신문은 27일(현지시간) 일본에서 지진이나 호우 피해로 고립된 피해 지역에 드론를 이용해 구호 물자를 수송하는 사업이 내년 봄부터 본격 시작될 예정이라고 보도했다.
이 신문에 따르면 이 사업은 지자체 및 의료기관 등의 요청으로 도로 두절이나 항구 파손으로 차량이나 배가 접근하지 못하는 이재민에게 고성능 드론을 이용해 의약품 및 통신 장비 등을 보급하는 사업이다. 드론에 의한 구호 물자 수송의 사업화는 일본에서 처음이다.
드론은 드론개발 및 생산업체 '에어로센스'가 제공한다. 에어로센스는 소니의 자회사 '소니 모바일 커뮤니케이션즈'와 로봇 개발 기업 ZMP가 올해 8월 공동 설립한 업체다.
에어로센스는 내년 1월부터 한달간 경제산업성과 공동으로 치바 현에서 시험 비행을 한 뒤, 안전 문제 등을 검증해 이르면 3월부터 드론 운영을 개시한다는 방침이다.
[글로벌이코노믹] 조은주 기자 ejcho@
Drones to play disaster-relief role in Japan next year
source the-japan-news.com/
The Japan News
Sony Corp.-affiliated firm will start as early as spring next year a drone project to deliver relief goods to areas that become isolated in the event of an earthquake or torrential rain, it has been learned.
In response to requests by local governments and medical institutions regarding disasters, Tokyo-based Aerosense Inc. is to dispatch high-performance drones for the delivery of relief items such as medical supplies and communications equipment to isolated areas that ships and automobiles cannot access because roads are cut off and ports are damaged or destroyed.
This will be the first time for drones to be used for this purpose in Japan.
The drone manufacturing company is to test-fly drones jointly with the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry in Chiba Prefecture in January and February.
After analyzing safety issues, the company aims to start operations as early as March.
Aerosense was jointly established by Sony's wholly owned subsidiary Sony Mobile Communications Inc. and robotics firm ZMP Inc. in August.
The firm believes the business environment is favorable to start the project as the revised Civil Aeronautics Law, which came into effect this month, allows drones to operate without prior permission in rescue operations during emergencies.
The drone - which is shaped like an airplane, takes off and lands vertically and measures 160 centimeters long by 220 centimeters wide - can carry packages with a maximum weight of one kilogram.
The drone can fly at more than 100 kph for over one hour if weather conditions are suitable. This makes it possible for the drone to deliver relief goods 100 kilometers away. Aerosense will later consider where to set up bases for the drones.
In the envisaged project, the drones are to be sent to disaster-hit areas in the event of roads being cut off due to earthquakes, torrential rain or heavy snow after being transported by road to points close to those areas.
The drones would also be effective for sending relief goods to remote islands when vessels cannot access them after port facilities and ships are damaged.
In December last year, some areas in Tokushima Prefecture were cut off due to heavy snowfall. When record torrential rain hit eastern Japan in September, some residents in Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture, were isolated.
Even if the weather improves, relief work using helicopters in mountainous regions and elsewhere may not be effective because it is not easy to find suitable takeoff and landing locations.
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The Washington Post
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