일본 정부, 공적개발원조(ODA) 예산 17년만 인상 Japan increasing ODA budget for first time in 17 years

'안보리 상임이사국' 진입 위한 

외교협상서 '지렛대' 삼을듯

유엔 안보리 UNSC,United Nations Security Council

5개의 상임이사국과 10개의 비상임이사국으로 구성되어 있다. 일본은 내년 부터 비상임이사국의

지위를 갖게 되며 상임이사국으로의 진입을 노리고 있다.

현재 상임이사국은 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 러시아, 중국이다.


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   일본 정부가 개발도상국이나 저개발국을 지원하는 공적개발원조(ODA) 예산을 내년도에 17년만에 인상키로 했다고 니혼게이자이신문(닛케이)이 22일 보도했다.

일본의 2016회계연도(2016년 4월∼2017년 3월) ODA 예산안은 올해 예산에 비해 1.8% 증가한 5천 520억 엔(5조 3천 503억 원)이 될 전망이라고 닛케이는 전했다. 세부 항목 중에서는 중동과 아프리카 지역에서의 평화 구축, 테러 대책 비용 등이 늘어난다.

일본의 ODA 예산이 증액되기는 1999회계연도 이후 17년만으로, ODA를 지렛대 삼아 적극적인 외교를 펼치려는 아베 정권의 의중이 담겨 있는 것으로 보인다.

특히 내년 1월부터 일본이 유엔 안전보장이사회(안보리) 비상임 이사국으로 취임하는 만큼 일본의 상임이사국 진입을 목표로 모색중인 '안보리 개편'을 위한 외교전에 쓸 '실탄'을 충분히 확보해두는 의미가 있다는 관측도 일각에서 나온다.

(도쿄=연합뉴스) 조준형 특파원 jhcho@yna.co.kr

Japan increasing ODA budget for first time in 17 years


Japan will increase its official development assistance in fiscal 2016 for the first time in 17 years to provide nonmilitary, financial backing for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's policy of "proactive pacifism."

In the 1990s, Japan was the largest contributor of ODA in the world, but dire fiscal constraints subsequently forced the government to cut back on such outlays.

However, a total of 552 billion yen ($4.6 billion) will be set aside in the fiscal 2016 budget for ODA, an increase of about 10 billion yen, or 1.8 percent, from the initial allocation in fiscal 2015. The increase will be the first since the fiscal 1999 allocation.

The funds will go to providing grants to deal with refugees and support infrastructure exports by Japanese companies, such as high-speed railway projects.

The Abe administration has made ODA a key pillar to bolster Japan's national security and economic interests, even to the extent of allowing military forces of other nations to benefit so long as the funds are used for nonmilitary purposes. Japan will also provide ODA to countries that have moved beyond the "developing nation" stage.

Japan recently lost out to China in a race to construct a high-speed railway system in Indonesia. Future ODA outlays could be used to provide indirect support to Japanese companies seeking to win contracts for infrastructure projects overseas.

Direct grant assistance will be used to expand efforts to deal with terrorism or for peace-building efforts. Assistance will also be provided to help refugees in the Middle East, Africa and Ukraine.

Some of the ODA funds will be used to purchase medical equipment.

A factor for the increase in overall ODA may be due to plans by Abe to announce financial assistance measures next year at the summit of advanced economies to be hosted by Japan as well as the Tokyo International Conference on African Development.

The overall figure for the fiscal 2016 budget is expected to be 96.72 trillion yen, the largest ever. Much of the increase will go to pay for social security programs in line with the aging of the population.

(This article was written by Hajimu Takeda and Takeshi Narabe.)




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