풀무원, 러시아 바이칼 호수 생수 사업에 2천만 불 투자 Two new plants to bottle Baikal's 'pure' water for foreign export

연간 50만 톤 생산

중국 다음으로 큰 투자 규모 

바이칼 호수 출처 sputniknews

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   러시아 바이칼 호수에서 식수 생산으론 중국 다음으로 큰 규모의 투자가 이루어질 전망이다. 

이번 주 플무원 러시아 법인 "바이칼 크리스탈과 부랴트 공화국 울란우데에서 투자의향서가 체결됐다.

"공장의 설계 규모는 연간 50만 톤의 제품 생산"이라고 아나톨리 두만노프 부랴트 지역개발기금 의장이 밝혔다.

러시아 바이칼 호수에서 식수 생산으론 중국 다음으로 큰 규모의 투자가 이루어질 전망이다


Two new plants to bottle Baikal's 'pure' water for foreign export

By The Siberian Times reporter

Projects in Buryatia underway despite warnings of a crisis in pollution in world's deepest lake.

The Regional Development Fund of Buryatia emphasised that the production will not inflict any harm to nature. Picture: @strannik-fox

Exports of the famous water will go to South Korea and China. One project is from new venture Baikal Crystal with a $20 million investment will have a design capacity of 500,000 tons and is forecast to create 100 jobs. 

Buryatia Development Corporation head Anatoly Dumnov said: 'The project envisages the construction on the shore of Lake Baikal a plant for the production of bottled drinking water. The site will be located 43 kilometres from the city of Severobaikalsk, on an area of about 10 hectares.'

Two new plants to bottle Baikal's water to be built near Vydrino village on the south and 43 kilometres from Severobaikalsk on the north of the lake. Pictures: The Siberian Times, slavayarsk

The bottled water will be transported by rail to the Russian Far East, and from there by sea to South Korea, although some is also expected to be sold in the Reblic of Buryatia.

Behind the venture is food company Pulmuone Co Ltd in Health and Wellness from Seoul. The company was founded over 30 years ago and is South Korea's leading manufacturer of food products.

The second project is from Chinese company Jinbei Yuan, Vydrino village, in the southern part of Baikal, close to a railway link. It should provide 150 jobs for locals. 

Baikal water bottled by one of the Russian companies. Picture: Baikalsea

The production capacity of the future plant will be up to 50,000 tons in 2016, rising to a potential 500,000 tons in 2017, and 2 million tons by 2020. The Regional Development Fund of Buryatia emphasised that the production will not inflict any harm to nature. 

The projects come after a succession of warnings about pollution in the lake, but in different locations to where the bottling plants are planned. 

Our recent stories on this worrying warning can be read here.




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