日, 이례적 신국립경기장 ‘기술제안서’ 공개 Two new Olympic stadium designs unveiled by Japan Sport Council

설계•시공업자 결정 기술제안 입찰

2개 컨소시엄 제출

모두 정부 상한금액 하회

공개 이유는 투명성 제고 목적

2019년 11월 말 준공

Two fresh designs for the new National Stadium, the main venue for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, are shown in artists’ renderings released Monday by the Japan Sport Council. Design A is the top image and design B is above. | JAPAN SPORTS COUNCIL

2020년 도쿄올림픽 신국립경기장 기술제안 조감도 '디자인 A(상)와 디자인 B'

2020년 도쿄올림픽 경기장 건설을 위한 2개의 기술제안서 제출됐다. 1조4천억원 규모로 2019년 11월 


edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    2020년 도쿄 올림픽•패럴림픽 주 경기장이 되는 신국립경기장의 새로운 건설 계획과 관련해, 설계•시공업자를 결정하는 일본 스포츠 진흥 센터(JSC)는 14일, 총 공사비와 공기, 외관 이미지 등을 기재한 응모 업자의 ‘기술제안서’를 공표했다. 

응모한 것은 2개의 캠프로, 총 공사비는 A안이 약 1,489억 엔(약 1조 4,527억 원), B안이 약 1,496억 엔(14,595억 원)이었다.

업체명은 비공표. 정부는 상한을 1,550억 엔으로 설정했었다. 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)가 2020년 1월을 희망하는 완공 시기는 양 방안 모두 2019년 11월 말을 제안했다.

두개 방안 모두 컨셉트에 ‘숲(杜)이 울창한 경기장’을 내걸고 녹지대로 둘러싸인 메이지(明治)신궁 외원 지구의 주변 환경의 조화를 중시했다. 백지 철회된 구 계획에서 약 70m로 압박감이 있었던 건물 높이는 A안이 49•2m, B안은 54•3m로 억제했다. 모두 전통적인 일본식 건축 요소를 도입해서 목재를 적극적으로 활용한다고 밝혔다.

업체 결정을 앞두고 응모 내용을 공표하는 것은 매우 이례적이며, 선고의 투명성을 높이려는 것이 목적이다. JSC는 심사위원회가 독자적인 기준으로 제안서를 평가하는 한편, 홈페이지에서 국민들의 의견을 공모해, 선수의 목소리도 듣는다. 업체는 연내 관계 각료회의에서 정식으로 결정하고, 그 후에 발표된다.

응모한 2개 진영은 다이세이(大成)건설 등의 공동기업체(JV)와 다케나카(竹中)공무점과 시미즈(清水)건설, 오바야시구미(大林組)의 3개 회사로 조직된 JV로 추측된다.【교도통신】

Two new Olympic stadium designs unveiled by Japan Sport Council

by Atsushi Kodera

The Japan Sport Council on Monday unveiled two new stadium designs for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics that blend in better with the greenery-rich Yoyogi area and currently don’t break the ¥155 billion budget.

“Both designs use wood in their construction materials, and I think that’s an interesting aspect” of the technical proposals on the council’s website, said architect and critic Takashi Moriyama.

“I think the idea of using wood in large structures may globally impact architecture,” he said.

The two new designs, which are apparently Japanese in origin, are simply called A and B. But the companies involved remain a secret.

Japanese media reports say the designs were submitted by a joint venture involving Taisei Corp., and a another venture comprising Takenaka Corp., Shimizu Corp. and Obayashi Corp. This could not be confirmed.

Moriyama noted both designs take into account the natural environment of their surroundings, which are protected by the urban development law, but in different ways.

Design A features outside walls embellished with plants in multiple layers, while B is notable in that it dispenses with walls around its oval outline, which is formed by 72 wooden pillars.

“Personally I like design B because it allows people to enjoy walking around the facility or gather,” Moriyama said. “I like it also because it carries over the atmosphere of the old National Stadium.”

Once bitten, twice shy, the government-affiliated sports body, nervous after embarrassing revelations highlighted the sloppy handling of the preparatory work for the world’s biggest sporting event, took the unusual step of disclosing the new design proposals, which are still under screening.

The design tender was opened in September and closed on Nov. 16, with the two entrants responding.

The two proposals will undergo screening by an expert panel and checks by relevant Cabinet ministers, with the final selection to be made by the end of the year.

Earlier this year, the giant, ill-fated design of British-based architect Zaha Hadid was rejected amid the mounting public outcry over snowballing costs and its futuristic appearance, which critics said was too loud for the nature-protected Yoyogi area.

The project also lacked detailed explanations about the selection process.

After probing the selection process, a government-appointed independent investigative panel concluded in September that neither the education ministry nor JSC had the ability to lead the construction project. Education minister Hakubun Shimomura subsequently stepped down.

As the clamor grew over the stadium’s astronomical construction costs, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe axed Hadid’s design in July to restart the process.

The British-Iraqi architect’s futuristic design, characterized by two arches supporting a roof resembling a cycling helmet, won the competition in 2012 and had an initial estimated cost of ¥130 billion.

The projected size was scaled down in 2014 after the estimate more than doubled to ¥300 billion, but after the new estimate of ¥163 billion was again inflated to ¥252 billion in 2015, her design was rejected.

Construction of the new stadium was originally planned to start this fall for completion in spring 2019.




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