'비호감'의 강한 고집 성격, 성공의 원인 될 수 있나? Big Secret Behind Steve Job's Unbeatable Success Revealed
고집스럽고 독단적인 성격,
성공에 힘 실어줘
펜실베니아 주립문학원 및 뉴욕 주립대학 스토니브룩분교 연구진
SAN FRANCISCO - JANUARY 27: Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs holds up the new iPad as he speaks during
an Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts January 27, 2010 in San Francisco, California.
(Getty Images)
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케이콘텐츠 편집
많은 상업대가(大咖)들의 성격에서 강세(強勢)나 고집스러움을 느껴본적이 있는가? 미국 연구원은 바로 이런 성격이 그들의 성공에 힘을 실어줬을 것이라 말했다.
펜실베니아 주립문학원 및 뉴욕 주립대학 스토니브룩분교 연구진은 이에 관한 두가지 연구를 진행했다. 첫번째 연구에서 그들은 대학생 200명을 요청해 성격테스트를 진행함으로써 매개인의 성격 및 본의(本意)를 지키려는 능력을 평가했다. 두번째 연구에서 그들은 대학생 300명을 상대로 “창의성을 지닌 선물을 설계하고 온라인상에서 타인과 더불어 의견을 교류하라”고 지시했다. 이에 나타난 피조사자들은 긍적적 혹은 부정적인, 서로 다른 태도를 보였다.
연구진은 “연구개요(Research Digest)” 잡지에 발표한 문장에서 다음과 같이 밝혔다. 독단적인 성격은 물론 창조력과는 무관하지만 개인의 생각을 타인에게 주입시키려는 상태에서 더 좋은 역할을 발휘한다. 그외, 고집스런 성격일 경우 타인이 자신의 창의성에 관심을 보이는지의 여하를 불문하고 반대가 클수록 자신의 생각을 표달하려는 고집성향이 더 강해진다. 남이 보았을때 미친 생각이라 느껴지는 내용일지라도 아마 이런 ‘오만함’과 ‘견지’로 인해 현실로 변했을 가능성이 존재하며 또한 인생의 최정상에로 그들을 이끌었을수 있다. [ 번역/ 신화망 한국어판] [신화사 베이징 12월 11일] |
Big Secret Behind Steve Job's Unbeatable Success Revealed
Steve Jobs was one of the most successful marketers of all time and most people can probably say he was one of the more known individuals behind the success of Apple as a brand.
He successfully introduced Apple products to the public and made them want to own the gadgets, including the unbeatable iPhone models.
Psychologists have revealed what made him really that successful.
This iconic man was successful with what he did mainly because he was what psychologists called a "jerk". According to them, people who are known to be arrogant and assertive are the ones who are likely to succeed in life.
Steve Jobs had this kind of personality. In fact, his "jerk-iness" brought him to the top. He was notably arrogant and possessed a strong assertive personality. His "disagreeable behavior" brought him to the kind of success he didn't expect.
A two-part experimental study to further understand this theory by observing headstrong personalities was conduted by Sam Hunter, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Pen State's College of Liberal Arts and Lily Cushebberry, Assistant Professort of Management and the director of the Leadership & Creativity Research Lab from Stony Brook University.
There were 200 students who participated in the experiment and measured how disagreeable these individuals were with the ability to come up with their original ideas at the same time. During the entire experimentation, they were given 10 minutes to create a unique marketing campaign for the online campus of their university.
After the 10-minute activity, another 20 minutes were given to work on the joint campaign. And the results were agreeing to the predicted outcomes of the psychologists. "Disagreeableness had nothing to do with how creative students were while creating their own ideas."
"The ideas that were used in the group were from individuals who were pushy about their campaigns," a report from the Daily Mail UK stated.
As noted in the same source through Research Digest, "Being a jerk isn't advantageous for coming up with useful, original ideas, but it does seem to be advantageous for getting your ideas heard, especially in an environment consisting of pushy characters."
In that note, to act like Steve Jobs and chase success like him, one must be creatively arrogant and assertive.
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