엄마와 함께 하는 그림 콜라보 Mom Collaborates with 3-Year-Old Daughter to Turn Doodles into Imaginative Works of Art

Mom Collaborates with 3-Year-Old Daughter to Turn Doodles into Imaginative Works of Art

가끔 예술적 콜라보가 예기치 못한 좋은 결과를 가져온다.

그게 뭐냐고? 루스 우스터만에게 물어봐라

그녀는 3살짜리 딸인 '이브'와 독특하고 창의적인 파트너쉽을 발견했다.

이브의 생생한 상상력과 엄마의 재능을 통해서 만들어지는 다양한 색채의 그림은 

제약없는 독창성과 작고 복잡한 디테일의 조합이다.

3살짜리 이브가 펜과 물감으로 뭔지 모르게 끼적거려 놓은 그림은 엄마에 의해 

동물이나 경관 또는 초상화로 변신하게된다.

캐나다 토론토 출신인 루스 우스터만은 '나의 토들러와 콜라보'라는 제목으로 프로젝트를

진행 중이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Sara Barnes

Artistic collaborations can happen in unexpected ways—just ask Ruth Oosterman. She has found a unique, creative partnership with her 3-year-old daughter, Eve. Together, they produce beautiful works of art. Through Eve’s vivid imagination and Oosterman’s talent, the colorful paintings are a mix of unrestrained creativity and small, intricate details. The Toronto-based mom calls the ongoing project Collaborations with my Toddler.

The tag-team style paintings are often started by Eve, as she doodles on paper with a pen or paint. Oosterman then transforms the marks into animals, landscapes, and portraits of people. She’s careful to leave Eve’s original marks alone and instead complements them with her owns additions, refining them into subjects we can recognize. The results reinforce the idea that two heads are better than one.

For Oosterman, the artistic journey is more important than the final product. “Through collaborating with Eve, she is teaching me how to paint all over again,” she writes on her website. “I treasure this bonding experience more than words can express.”

Prints from Collaborations with my Toddler are available to purchase through Oosterman’s Etsy shop.

Ruth Oosterman: Website | Blog | Etsy
via [Viralnova]



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