롯데그룹 신동빈 회장, 2019년까지 러시아에 5억 달러 투자 Lotte Group, Invest in Russia

2018년 러시아 월드컵에 맞춰 사마라에 롯데호텔 건립

푸틴에게 훈장도 받아

soure sputniknews.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    롯데그룹이 2019년까지 러시아에 5억 달러 투자할 계획라고 신동빈 회장이 밝혔다.

"1997년 모스크바에 롯데 법인을 설립했고 그 후에 호텔, 백화점, 제과공장 등 회사를 설립했습니다. 역대까지 약 10억 달러를 투자했고 앞으로 3년 5억 달러를 추가로 투자할 계획"라고 신동빈 회장이 러시아 우호훈장 수여식에서 오늘 밝혔다.

그는 또한 "앞으로도 한국과 러시아의 우호관계가 지속적으로 할 수 있게 롯데그룹이 앞장서겠다"고 강조했다.


Lotte Group, Invest in Russia 

South Korea’s Lotte Group may open a hotel in Samara for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. A corresponding announcement was made today by Song Yongdok, President and CEO of Lotte Hotels and Resorts, at the Eastern Economic Forum.

“We are planning to take under control another hotel in Russia, Samara, for the Football World Cup in 2018,” he said.

“When it /hotel/ is built, we will manage it,” Song Yongdok explained to TASS.

According to Mr. Yongdok, Lotte’s plans are to build a hotel in Saint Petersburg, purchase Atrium shopping center in Moscow and launch a new manufacturing line at the confectionery factory in Obninsk, Kaluga Region.

Song Engdok noted that negotiations concerning the Atrium’s purchase are still in progress. The price of purchase may reach $400-500 mln, he mentioned to TASS.

“We have no specific plans for project in Vladivostok and the Far East in general right now,” he said. “But we pay a lot of attention to the region and are willing to invest here.”

The company announced in 2014 that it was planning to open up a luxury Lotte Hotel in Saint Petersburg in 2017 with total investment amount of $140 mln. In February this year, Korean media reported that Lotte may purchase Atrium mall near Kurskaya metro station in Moscow.

Lotte Group’s portfolio in Russia includes a multiservice center in Novinsky Bulvar, a five-star Lotte Hotel Moscow and a confectionery factory Lotte Confectionery.


05 September 2015




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