거북이 구원자 Man Buys Turtles From Food Market and Sets Them Free in the Sea

Man Buys Turtles From Food Market and Sets Them Free in the Sea

아론 컬링과 동업자 마크는 파푸아뉴기니의 한 시장을 둘러보고 있는데  

두마리의 거북이와 마주쳤다.

바다 거북이 포획은 파푸아 뉴기니, 멕시코, 호주 등의 여러나라에서 아직도  

공식적으로 행해지고 있으며 거북등과 고기를 판매하고 있다. 

아론과 마크는 거북이를 구해야 겠다고 결심하고 시장에서 50불을 주고 샀다.

그리고 바다에 놓아주었다.

그들은 이런식으로 지금까지 10마리의 거북이를 살려줬다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert 

Arron Culling and his co-worker Mark were browsing a local market in Papua New Guinea when they came across two sea turtles. Even though a majority of the earth's sea turtles are classified as endangered or vulnerable, marine turtle fishing is still permitted in places like Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Australia. In such countries, many seaside regions harvest these creatures for their shells and meat. Once Arron and Mark realized that this was going to be the turtles' fate, they bought them for about $50, drove them to a safe location, and released them into the sea. Thus far, they've rescued around ten sea turtles from certain death and have given them a chance to swim free.

To help protect these beautiful marine reptiles, you can visit the Sea Turtle Conservancy's website to learn more.

Sea Turtle Conservancy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Donate
via [Bored PandaThe Dodo]

All images via Arron Culling.



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