"어 어제 숙면했는데"...졸음을 쉽게 느끼는 사람들, 이유는? Reasons You Feel Tired All The Time

source womenshealthmag.co.uk

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   숙면을 취했는데도 졸린 상태가 계속 이어지는 것, 이는 많은 사람들이 겪고있는 “고민”이다. 졸음때문에 애를 먹는 이가 있다면 독일 “이슈온라인” 홈페이지에 발표된 “졸음의 8대 원인”을 한번 읽어보길 바란다.


1.갑상선 문제인가?

 갑상선은 호르몬을 분비해 신진대사를 조절한다. 계속하여 졸음이 느껴진다면 병원을 찾아 갑상선기능에 문제가 생기지 않았는지 진료해보길 권한다.


2.철분 결핍인가?

많은 여성들이 신체적으로 철분이 결핍한 상태에 있는데 이는 만성 빈혈을 유발할 가능성이 존재한다. 적혈구가 신체내 기타 세포들에 공급하는 산소가 부족하면 피로감이 찾아오거나 주의력이 저하되거나 쉽게 감기에 걸리는 등 현상이 나타난다. 때문에 육류, 야채, 두류(豆類)를 포함한 철분이 풍부한 식품을 자주 섭취해야 하며 비타민C가 풍부한 식품을 보충해 철분의 흡수를 촉진하는 것이 좋다.


3.항알레르기성 약물을 섭취했는가?

때문에 약물을 복용하기 전이면 이 약물이 졸음을 유발하는 성분이 들어있는지를 확인하고 그럴 경우 저녁시간에 복용하는 것으로 적절히 배치해야 한다.


4.물섭취량이 적지 않는가?

앞서 물섭취량이 적은 사람일수록 수면상태가 나쁘다는 연구발표가 있었다. 때문에 하루에 1.5리터~2리터의 물을 섭취하길 권장한다.


5.당뇨병을 앓고있는가?

“제2형 당뇨병(Type II diabetes)” 환자라면 체내 인슐린이 포도당을 에너지로 전환하는 과정에서 문제가 발생할수 있으며 이런 상태로 인해 환자는 피로감이나 무력감을 쉽게 느낄수 있다.


6.운동량이 부족하지 않는가?

운동을 싫어하는 사람일수록 피로감을 쉽게 느낀다. 때문에 이런 악순환을 뿌리치기 위해서는 신체단련이 필요한 법이다.


7. 비타민B12가 부족하지 않는가?

비타민B12의 결핍은 음식섭취가 제대로 이뤄지지 않았거나 흡연장애로 인해 발생하는 것으로 필요시 병원을 찾아 진단받아야 한다.


8. 적절하지 않은 시기에 커피나 차를 마시지 않았는가?

정신에 자극을 주는 음료를 마실때 적절한 시간인지를 재차 확인함으로써 저녁의 휴식이 제대로 이뤄지지 못하는 일이 없도록 해야 한다. [글/ 신화사 기자 궈양(郭洋), 번역/ 신화망 한국어판]

[신화사 베를린 12월 9일] 

Reasons You Feel Tired All The Time

Catching 40 winks isn’t just good for dark circles and dreaming you’re Mrs Gosling – it also gives your brain a good clear out. Work out what's stopping you snoozing, and try our top tips for a dreamless doze

Catching 40 winks isn’t just good for dark circles and dreaming you’re Mrs. Gosling – it also gives your brain a good clear out. Yes, you heard us. A recent study from the University of Rochester has revealed that conking out can clear out your cerebral clutter.

The findings, published in the journal Science, show that the brain's unique method of cleansing itself - known as the glymphatic system - is highly active during sleep, clearing away toxins that would otherwise build up and trigger neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease. Could be why you feel so refreshed after a good night's sleep (dreams of Mr. Gosling aside).

But what if you don’t feel bright-eyed and bushy tailed by the morning? With the clocks going back this Sunday (October 27, at 2am) and a winter of dark mornings ahead that beauty sleep becomes even more important. If you’re logging lots of beauty sleep but still feel beat, these seven things could be to blame…

1/ You’re dehydrated

Without adequate fluid intake, blood pressure drops, slowing delivery of oxygen to the brain, which can leave you feeling flat out. The amount of fluid needed depends on the individual, but you should aim to go to the toilet at least three times a  day. Between six and eight glasses of water-based drinks  – including tea and coffee – a day are recommended.

2/ Your thyroid

Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid, a gland that produces hormones to control sleepiness and hunger, is underactive. It’s a common cause of over-sleeping, but hard to pinpoint without a doctor. If you’re feeling sluggish but getting plenty of sleep, book an appointment with your doctor. A simple blood test can detect a gland gone bad.

3/ Alcohol

More than half of us reach for a glass of vino between three to four times a week to relax after a hectic day. While alcohol relaxes you initially, it can compromise your sleep quality – even if you are get the recommended 7-8 hours. The chemicals in alcohol disrupt your sleep cycle, preventing you from entering deep sleep. Step away from the Chardonnay.

4/ You have sleep apnea

The disorder affects 3-7% of the population. Sufferers wake up because they stop breathing anywhere from five times to hundreds of times an hour. Sounds scarier than it us but you’ll sleep for longer because your sleep quality is compromised. The catch: you don’t remember waking up, so it’s hard to tell if you’re suffering. Snoring, being overweight, and waking up with a headache – caused by a nocturnal lack of oxygen - are all symptoms of sleep apnea. Speak to your doctor if they sound familiar.

5/ Napping

A siesta can take the edge off an afternoon slump, but the duration of your downtime is crucial. It has been clinically proven that taking a nap for up to 30 minutes is revitalising, but any longer than that and you’ll end up in a REM cycle for an hour. Waking mid-cycle can leave you feeling groggy so if you want to nap for longer, have one lasting 90 minutes.

6/ Your mood

Many depressed people aren’t just down in the dumps - they’re sleepy, too. But here’s the deal: depression doesn’t necessarily make you sleep more, it just makes getting out of bed in the a.m. tougher, which could lead to excess sleep. So if you’re finding yourself lacking the energy to face the hours ahead of you or dreading the day, head to your GP to get checked for this very common disease.

7/ Mineral deficiency

Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining blood glucose levels, muscle health and concentration so a lack of it can leave you feeling lethargic. Magnesium is found in leafy vegetables and nuts, but a supplement can help too. Try Healthspan Magnesium Tablets with full Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C (£6.95, healthspan.co.uk).




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