살 빼고 싶으면 추울 때 돌아다녀라 Key Rules for Cold-Weather Weight Loss

스위스 연구팀, 

추위에 장내 미생물 조성 변해 대사↑

source shape.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   추위에 노출되는 것만으로 살이 빠진다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.


스위스 제네바대 연구팀은 낮은 온도에서 지낼 때 장내 미생물의 조성이 변해 몸속 대사를 증진시키고 지방이 효과적으로 타는 등 ‘체중감량’ 효과가 나타난다고 국제학술지 ‘셀’ 3일자에 발표했다.


그동안 추위는 운동과 비슷한 효과를 낸다고 알려졌다. 추운 환경에 있을 때 체온을 높이기 위해 지방을 연소시키고 포도당 대사를 촉진시키기 때문이다. 연구팀은 이런 활동이 ‘장내 미생물’과도 긴밀한 관련이 있을 것이라 생각하고 쥐를 이용해 실험했다. 

25도에 살던 건강한 쥐를 6도의 서늘한 환경에 10일 동안 살게 한 뒤 장내 미생물 변화를 살피자, 박테로이디트(Bacteroidetes), 퍼미큐트(Firmicutes), 시아노박테리아(Cyanobacteria), 엑티노박테리아(Actinobacteria) 속(屬) 등의 장내미생물 조성에 변화가 생긴 것으로 나타났다.


특히 상온에서는 전체 장내 미생물 중 18.6%에 그쳤던 퍼미큐트 속이 6도에서는 60.5%를 차지했다. 반대로 72.6%였던 박테로이디트는 추운 환경에서 35.2%로 줄어들었다. 


연구팀은 6도에서 기르던 쥐의 장내 미생물의 역할을 정확히 규명하기 위해 이들을 다른 쥐에 이식하자, 장내 미생물을 이식받은 쥐의 체중이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또 포도당 대사가 늘어났고 열을 내는 ‘갈색 지방'이 형성되는 등 추위에 저항하는 기전이 활성화됐다.


연구를 진행한 미르코 트라이코프스키 연구원은 “환경에 적응해 에너지 균형을 조절하는 데 장내 미생물이 중요한 역할을 한다는 사실을 알리는 직접적인 증거”라고 설명했다.

동아사이언스 신선미 기자 vamie@donga.com

Key Rules for Cold-Weather Weight Loss

Lose weight even during the cold winter months by following these workout and diet tips 

By  DietsInReview.com

Winter weight gain often feels inevitable—the effects of overdoing it during an ever-growing holiday season. The colder, shorter days make it harder to get outdoors and easier to stay glued to the TV. It may seem easier to say bah humbug and decline every party invitation, instead staying tied to the treadmill.

The good news: The 10 pounds the average American is alleged to gain between Thanksgiving and New Years Day is only a myth. A National Institutes of Health study in 2000 tested this theory by measuring the weights of 195 volunteers before, during, and after the six-week holiday season. What they found was that the average weight gain was only about one pound. One pound! 

And whether it's one pound or a few that you've packed on this year, you can still lose weight during the cold winter months. The results of the study concluded that there were two controllable factors that influenced those who gained five or more pounds and those who didn’t. People that kept moving and kept their hunger levels in check succeeded in staying true to their weight loss goals. Ready to bust the myth of winter weight gain? Here’s how.

1. Shorten your session. You shouldn’t skip a workout for a party or a snow day but you can do a shorter sweat session. Forget the gym and try quick workouts you can easily do at home in less than 20 minutes.

2. Use colder weather and shorter days to try out new indoor activities. Martial arts, indoor rock walls, and hot yoga are fun ways to move and stay warm. Also try POUND, PiYo, Barre, and other liberating new fitness trends we love!

3. Wear your activity tracker every day. Maybe you’ve been inconsistent with wearing it lately, but wintertime is an ideal time to for usage. If you can’t get a workout in, focus on getting 10,00 steps a day.

4. More moving, less eating for holiday fun. Caroling or ice-skating with friends are great alternatives to cookie exchanges and cocktail parties. You can still celebrate afterward with a cup of homemade hot chocolate.

5. Pack your plate with protein. It keeps you feeling full longer and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Even snacks should have at least 10 grams of protein.

6. Always have a glass of water or hot tea in your hand. Research suggests the some 75 percent of Americans may be chronically dehydrated and we often mistake dehydration for hunger. Diligent water consumption can curb snacking for the wrong reasons and boost energy.

7. Be carb smart. Carbs are not the enemy. You can eat bread and pasta, but quality, quantity, and timing are key. Carbs that satiate, like vegetables, or those with protein and fiber, like beans and dairy, should be the bulk of your intake. You can have bread, pasta, and rice (starchy carbs) after a workout, when your body can best use them.

8. Don’t skip meals. The worst thing you can do is to go to a holiday meal or party starving. When you arrive hungry everything looks good, despite your best intention to “enjoy in moderation.” Eat normally throughout the day so you have willpower to only enjoy one slice of grandma’s pecan pie.




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