난쟁이 '호빗'이 사는 집에 살고 싶다 Eco-friendly "Hobbit Hole" Homes Can Be Built in 3 Days

Eco-friendly "Hobbit Hole" Homes Can Be Built in 3 Days

영국 작가 톨킨의 작품에서 나오는 난쟁이 '호빗'이 사는 집

사람들은 이런 곳에서 살고 싶어하는 환상을 가지고 있다.

그린매직홈사는 최근에 이런 고객을 위하여 친환경 조립식 

호빗 하우스를 개발했다.

누구나 제작할 수 있으며 단 3일이면 조립이 완료된다.

조립 후에는 흙으로 덮게 된다.

다양한 구조와 크기를 선택할 수 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Kristine Mitchell 

Have you ever fantasized about living deep in the ground, in one of the cosy hobbit holes that J.R. R. Tolkien so richly describes in his novels? A company named Green Magic Homes is giving their customers the opportunity to do just that, with their easy to assemble pre-fabricated structures that can be covered with soil, to create a charming home any hobbit would be happy to reside in. Possibly the best part? It takes only three people to assemble on of these structures in three days, and they require no special skills or heavy equipment.

The Green Magic Homes are composed of prefabricated vaulted panels made of laminate materials, with walls that are laterally reinforced by soil. The resulting structures are stable and well-protected from the climate and UV radiation. Each component has perforated flaps that seal into one another, anchoring them to the foundation and allowing for a fast installation. Composite ducts and channels for electrical wiring and water pipes, as well as mechanical ventilation ducts, can be added to the shell at any point.

With a variety of sizes and shapes available, there is a customizable home package available for all. Would you want to live in a modern-day do-it-yourself style hobbit hole?

Green Magic Homes: Website | Facebook
via: [InhabitatGood]



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