英IHS “ISIS, 세금•석유밀수로 월 900억원 벌어 Isis generates $80m in monthly revenue – IHS

연 약 1조 1400억 원

석유 수입 전체의 약 43%

source syrianobserver.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


   글로벌 정보기업 ‘IHS(영국)’는 7일, 과격파조직 ‘이슬람국가(IS)’가 지배지역에서 ‘세금’ 징수와 석유 밀수 등에 의해 올해 후반에는 월액 약 8천만 달러(약943억 원) 가량의 수입을 벌어들였다는 추정치를 발표했다. 연 총액으로는 약 1200억 엔(약 1조 1400억 원)에 달하는 금액이다.

미국 주도의 동맹국연합과 러시아군의 공습으로 시리아와 이라크에 걸친 IS 지배지역의 유전시설은 막대한 손해를 입고 있지만, 그러한 상황 속에서도 석유 수입은 전체의 약 43%에 달한다고 한다.

약 50%는 주민과 사업체로부터 징수하는 현금과 압수한 자산 등이다. 나머지 수%는 약물 수입과 전력 판매, 기부금 등으로 충당하고 있다.

IS는 지배지역의 통치를 시도하고 있어, 수입의 일부는 행정경비 재원으로 쓰여지고 있는 듯 하다. 

IHS는 IS가 수지 균형을 유지하기 위해 병사에 대한 급여를 압축해 새로운 농업세를 도입하는 등의 움직임이 일고 있다고 지적했다.

IHS의 추정은 인터넷상의 공개 정보와 각국의 정부 소식통으로부터 인용한 정보에 따른 것이다. 

【카이로 교도】

Isis generates $80m in monthly revenue – IHS

The Islamic State terror group has carved out a quasi-state in parts of the Middle East, and in so doing, has managed to secure some $80m in monthly revenue.

That's according to a new analysis from research organisation IHS.

Isis, which took credit for the attacks in Paris last month that killed 130 people, is quite unlike other Islamist terror groups on a financial basis in that it's secured its own funding instead of having to rely on donors. 

"Unlike al-Qaeda, the Islamic State has not been dependent on money from foreign donors, to avoid leaving it vulnerable to their influence," said Columb Strack, senior analyst at IHS. 

Isis largely funds itself through taxation and oil, IHS said. However, it has actually developed six funding channels:

•Production and smuggling of oil and gas

•Taxation on the profits of all the commercial activities held in areas under its control

•Confiscation of land and properties 

•Trafficking of drugs and antiquities

•Criminal activities such as bank robbery and kidnap for ransom

•State-run businesses, such as running small enterprises including transport companies or real estate agencies

Mr Strack said airstrikes by the US-led coalition, which have focused on oil income that makes up 43 per cent of overall revenue, have been "paying off" by significantly degrading the group's ability to refine and transport oil. 

However, it's been more challenging for the coalition to chip away Isis's tax revenue - which accounts for half of the group's total take - because of the high potential civilian cost of doing so. 

Overall, IHS said, the coalition strikes do appear to be taking an economic toll on Isis:

There are early indications that the group is struggling to balance its budget, with reports of cuts to fighters' salaries, price hikes on electricity and other basic services, and the introduction of new agricultural taxes. 

Estimates on Isis's revenues are notoriously challenging given the group's de-centralised nature. For instance, a Financial Times investigation in October pegged Isis's oil revenue at about $1.5m a day, whereas the IHS figure comes in closer to $1.1m a day. 

World News, Isis




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