아베-모디, 인도 첫 고속철사업에 신칸센 도입 합의할 듯 Delhi & Tokyo may ink pact for India’s first Bullet Train during Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s visit

아베수상,11∼13일 인도 방문 시 합의 예정

뭄바이~아메다바드 구간, 543km 

시속 300㎞ 이상 속도

JICA,타당성 조사 실시

50년 상환, 연 0.5% 저리 재원 제공

2024년 완공

지난해 9월 1일 일본 도쿄에서 나렌드라 모디 인도 총리와 아베 신조 일본 총리가 공동 기자회견을 

마치고 악수하고 있다.(AP=연합뉴스 자료사진

인도 고속철 건설계획 및 뭄바이~아메다바드구간 노선현황. 출처 thetransportpolitic.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


     아베 신조(安倍晋三) 일본 총리가 오는 11∼13일로 예정된 인도 방문에서 일본의 고속철인 신칸센(新幹線)을 인도에 건설하는 방안에 합의할 것이라고 인도 일간 이코노믹타임스가 7일 보도했다.

이 신문은 아베 총리와 나렌드라 모디 인도 총리가 오는 12일 인도 첫 고속철 건설 사업에 합의할 것이며 이를 위해 이즈미 히로토(和泉洋人) 일본 총리특별보좌관이 조만간 인도를 방문해 철도부 등과 세부사항을 마무리할 것이라고 전했다.

양국 정부는 그동안 인도 서부 마하라슈트라 주 뭄바이 시와 구자라트 주 아메다바드 시 사이 500여㎞를 시속 300㎞ 이상 속도로 달리는 고속철도를 건설하는 계획을 논의했다.

양국은 6∼7년의 건설 기간을 거쳐 2024년 고속철 운행을 목표로 하고 있다. 

일본은 이 프로젝트에 9천억 루피(약 15조8천억원)를 연 0.5% 이율에 상환기간 50년 조건으로 차관 제공할 것으로 알려졌다.

인도 총리실 관계자는 "일본이 제시한 이율과 상환기간이 매우 매력적"이라며 "이를 계기로 다른 나라도 인프라 프로젝트 자금을 더 낮은 이율로 제공해 주길 희망한다"고 말했다.

아베 총리는 이번 인도 방문에서 일본 원자로를 인도에 수출하기 위한 민간 원자력 협력 협정과 방위장비 및 기술 이전에 관한 협정 체결 등도 논의할 것으로 알려졌다.

또 지난해 모디 총리가 일본을 방문했을 때 아베 총리가 수도 도쿄를 벗어나 교토로 동행한 것처럼 이번에는 아베 총리가 바라나시를 방문할 때 모디 총리가 동행할 것으로 전해졌다.

(뉴델리=연합뉴스) 나확진 특파원 rao@yna.co.kr

Delhi & Tokyo may ink pact for India’s first Bullet Train during Japanese PM Shinzo Abe’s visit

By Vasudha Venugopal

NEW DELHI: India and Japan are set to firm up an agreement on highspeed train services, widely referred to as 'Bullet Trains', during Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit next week.

Senior government sources told ET that Abe's Special Adviser Hiroto Izumi will be in Delhi this week for high-level talks to finalise the terms of the agreement on high-speed trains, known as Shinkansen in Japan. He will be negotiating the details with senior officials in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and the railway ministry. The first train is planned between Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

The project will cut travelling time between Mumbai and Ahmedabad from seven to two hours.

Further, Japan is likely to agree to finance the Rs 90,000 crore-plus railway project through a soft loan at 0.5% interest with a repayment tenure of 50 years, according to the people cited. Usually, Japan offers this sort of project financing at 1.5% interest and a tenure not exceeding 25 years.

"The rate of interest and repayment time proposed by Japan are extremely attractive for India.

This has been possible only because of the push by the PMs of both the countries. We are hopeful this will also prompt other countries to go for lower interest rates for our infrastructure projects," said a PMO official.

"These are very favourable terms, and also show the extent to which Japan has gone to relax these conditions, especially for India. It will be a very significant project," a senior official added. Abe is expected to arrive on December 11 while the finalisation of the Bullet Train agreement is likely to happen the next day. Abe will also visit Varanasi.

India and Japan are set to firm up an agreement on 

highspeed train services, widely referred to as ‘Bullet 

Trains’, during Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit.

Abe and Modi had agreed to twin the city with Kyoto, a city with deep cultural and historic roots like Varanasi, during the Indian PM's visit to Japan last year. During the visit, both leaders agreed to collaborate on India's Bullet Train project, which was also a pre-poll promise by Modi.

According to officials, the Japanese proposal says its role would include construction, fixing the route, providing technology and assisting in procurement of equipment, besides providing consultancy and executing the project.

Feasibility study by JICA

A team from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has studied the feasibility of building the 505-kilometre corridor linking Mumbai with Ahmedabad and has concluded that it would be technically and financially viable.

The report, which was submitted to the Indian government in July this year, estimated that the project — that will see trains running at over 300 km per hour — will cost Rs 98,805 crore. Officials said the report has been analysed by PMO and railway ministry officials.

Given the scale and novelty of the project, the Japanese government is keen to discuss every little detail to avoid any misinterpretation in future, sources said. Besides firming up costs, there are details on technology transfer, skilled labour, equipment manufacturing and maintenance that have to finalised. The aim is to ensure the project is operational by 2024.

Last year, after Modi's visit to Japan, the department of industrial policy & promotion (DIPP) set up 'Japan Plus' — a special team comprising officials from both countries to facilitate and fast-track investment proposals from Japan.




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