아들을 잃은 슬픔으로 350L의 모유를 기부키로 한 엄마 Mother Donates 92 Gallons of Breast Milk after Tragic Pregnancy Loss

카테고리 없음|2015. 12. 4. 22:11

Mother Donates 92 Gallons of Breast Milk after Tragic 

Pregnancy Loss

아이를 잃은 상상할 수도 없는 비탄에 빠져 있던 

에이미 앤더슨은 그녀의 슬픔이 의미있는 기회가 될 수 있다는 것을 깨달았다.

그녀의 아들 브라이슨은 임신 20주만에 요로결석장애로 죽었다. 가슴이 찢어질 듯한 고통

에 시달렸다. 

이런 시련에도 에이미의 몸에서 많은 양의 모유가 나오기 시작했고 의사는 가슴을 묶을 것

을 권유했다. 슈다페드액이 모유가 나오는 것을 줄여 줄 것이라고 했다. 

대신 고통을 피하기 위하여 펌핑을 통해 모유를 받아내기로 했다 그녀는 모유를 빼내면서 

아들 브라이슨의 체취를 느꼈다.

에이미는 모유가 많은 사람들이 원하고 있다는 사실을 알았다. 특히 조산아에게 좋다는 것

그녀는 8개월간 펌핑한 모유 92갤런(350L)를 기부하기로 했다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert 

In the midst of unimaginable grief, Amy Anderson realized that her tragedy could become a meaningful opportunity. When she was 20 weeks pregnant, her son Bryson died in utero due to a urinary tract obstruction that put pressure on his heart. Despite this devastating loss, Amy's body began producing milk and doctors advised her to bind her breasts and take Sudafed to help reduce her milk supply. Amy instead decided to pump her milk because she wanted to relieve her body of the pain and pressure she was feeling. "As I expressed the milk, a real sense of calm descended," she told PhillyVoice. "I felt a powerful closeness to my Bryson, which reminded me how much I loved the breastfeeding relationship I had shared with my eldest son. Pumping milk in Bryson’s memory felt so very right. All life has meaning, and my son’s life was no different. I decided to embrace his life’s purpose."

Amy began researching and learned that donor breast milk is in high demand, especially for saving babies who are born prematurely. She also realized that her milk was called preterm breast milk and was incredibly rich in nutrients. When Amy decided to donate the 92 gallons of milk she saved after pumping for eight months, the milk bank gave Bryon's supply to the highest of high-needs babies. "Just imagine how many lives his nearly 92 gallons of milk saved!" exclaimed Amy.

"The grief of losing my son is a reflection of the love I have for him. I couldn’t give my love or milk to Bryson, as he wasn’t there in the physical sense. Yet I was able to express my love for him through expressing and donating his milk. It was very healing both physically and emotionally," said Amy. "While there are definitely still tears, my heart fills with mother’s pride as I share his story. Through my grief, I have found gratitude, and my sense of gratitude continues to multiply. I’ve learned to always look for the blessing in a situation, though it quite possibly is disguised. Honestly, I could, and will, talk about his legacy forever."

To learn more about Amy Anderson's influential work, you can check out her Donating Through Grief Facebook page.

Above photo source: Sha~Lam Photography

Amy Anderson: Donating Through Grief
via [UpliftingNewsPhillyVoice]

All images via Donating Through Grief unless otherwise stated.



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