애플은 지금 '세계를 한눈에 맞춤형 Apple News' 연구 중 Eddy Cue Discusses Why Apple Made a Pre-Installed News App

중국 진출 애플뮤직(Apple Music)에 이어

애플페이(Apple Pay)도 진출 타진

중국용 애플 뉴스 앱 개발 귀띰

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    베이징상보(北京商報)의 보도에 의하면 두달전 중국에 진출한 애플뮤직(Apple Music)이 애플페이(Apple Pay)도 중국시장에 진출할 것이라는 소식을 여러차례 흘린뒤, 애플회사 네트워크 소프트웨어 책임자인 수석부총재 Eddy Cue는 최근 “우리는 중국을 위한 전문적인 애플뉴스(Apple News) 앱을 창조하고저 시도하고 있다”고 밝혔다.


Eddy Cue는 “애플과 중국은 매우 훌륭한 협력관계를 가져왔고 서비스 확장 문제에서도 그 어떤 장애물도 마주쳐본적이 없다”며 이 프로젝트의 중국 진출에 가득찬 기대를 보였다.


스마트폰, PC 등 하드웨어 제품외에도 애플은 더 많은 소프트웨어 서비스를 중국시장에 내놓고저 노력하고 있다. 최근, 애플회사 지불앱인 애플페이가 빠르면 내년초에 중국시장에 출시될 것이라는 뉴스도 나타났다. 이에 앞서 두달전, 애플회사 뮤직앱도 중국에 정식 진출했다.


중국 스마트폰시장에서 애플이 차지하는 비율이 비교적 큰 원인으로 인해 애플회사 소프트웨어 앱이 중국시장에 진출할 것인지의 여부에 관해 여론은 큰 관심을 돌리고 있다. 팀쿡 애플 CEO는 “중국이 가장 중요한 시장으로 발전하고 있는 시점에서 애플페이의 중국 진출은 애플회사가 추진해가야 할 첫번째 임무로 된다”고 이미 여러차례 언급한 바가 있다. 앱들을 중국시장의 수요에 발을 맞춘 특수한 형식으로 개조하려 시도하는 애플회사의 움직임을 여기서 엿볼수 있다. [글/ 신화사 번역/ 신화망 한국어판]

[신화사 베이징 12월 3일] 


Eddy Cue Discusses Why Apple Made a Pre-Installed News App

Monday November 30, 2015 9:13 PM PST by Husain Sumra

In a follow-up to an interview Apple executive Eddy Cue had with CNN senior correspondent Brian Stelter a month ago, the senior vice president of Internet software and services discussed Apple's thoughts on the News app, which launched alongside iOS 9 in September. When asked why Apple decided to turn it into a pre-installed app, Cue offered a look into how Apple determines what constitutes a pre-installed app. 

"We've only created the apps that we think everyone uses every day... We really wanted to create a single app that all customers could go to, to read all their news — no matter what they are interested in, no matter what topics, no matter what publications they want to follow — and get that experience that they're used to with our products, where it looks beautiful, it's really easy to read and yet it provides all the content available around the world."

Cue goes on to say that Apple believes the app is a "really, really important application for the world," noting that good journalism is important to Apple. News organizations, Cue says, have to worry about creating their own apps, interfaces and user experiences. Apple believes something like the News app can streamline this and help news organizations focus on journalism. Apple believes that the app benefits local news outlets that can't afford to create their own apps. Furthermore, Cue says Apple even thought about how small outfits like upstart news organizations and church newsletters could use News to distribute information. 

Apple is also working on a version of the app for China, Cue tells CNNMoney. When asked whether the company is running into censorship problems in the country, Cue says that it's not. Instead, Cue notes that Apple has a "great working relationship" in China and that Apple Music, its App Store and retail stores in the country show that they know how to work in China. 

Finally, Cue says that Apple has no plans to hire journalists and create content of their own. Instead, Apple's goal with News is to "empower those journalists to get their content to the right customer." 

In late October, Tim Cook said that Apple News had approximately 40 million users. However, Cook didn't reveal whether that number was regular users or customers who had simply checked out the app, making it difficult to determine how many people truly use Apple News. Apple has partnered with dozens of publications for Apple News, including CNN, The New York Times, ESPN and more. To get the latest news and rumors from MacRumors, make sure to add MacRumors to Apple News by clicking this link.




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