이태리 타이어 제조사 피렐리의 2016년도 달력 2016 Pirelli Calendar Celebrates the Beauty of Women's Accomplishments(VIDEO)
2016 Pirelli Calendar Celebrates the Beauty of Women's Accomplishments
이태리 타이어 제조사 피렐리의 2016년도 달력이 나왔다.
피렐리는 유명 모델들이 누드로 나오는 진부한 패턴을 탈피해서
재능있고 사회에 기여한 여성들의 사진을 사용하기로 결정했다.
미국의 세계적인 사진작가 애니 레보비츠(Annie Leibovitz)가 촬영했다.
*아래 월별 프로필 참조
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Anna Gragert
The 2016 Pirelli calendar represents a distinct departure from past versions that typically display artful nudes of famous models. This year, the Italian tire manufacturer decided to go a different route—one that showcases womankind's talent instead. To bring this progressive idea to life, world-renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz was asked to capture dignified portraits of these thirteen, talented women: Yoko Ono, Amy Schumer, Serena Williams, Yao Chen (who wrote and posed for the calendar's foreword), Tavi Gevinson, Ava DuVernay, Fran Leibowitz, Patti Smith, Natalia Vodianova, Shirin Neshat, Agnes Gund, Mellody Hobson, and Kathleen Kennedy.
"When Pirelli approached me, they said they wanted to make a departure from the past. They suggested the idea of photographing distinguished women. After we agreed on that, the goal was to be very straightforward. I wanted the pictures to show the women exactly as they are, with no pretense," Leibovitz revealed. "I’m a great admirer of comediennes. The Amy Schumer portrait added some fun. It’s as if she didn’t get the memo saying that she could keep her clothes on."
The photographer adds, "I started to think about the roles that women play, women who have achieved something. I wanted to make a classic set of portraits. I thought that the women should look strong but natural and I decided to keep it a very simple exercise of shooting in the studio. This calendar is so completely different. It is a departure. The idea was not to have any pretense in these pictures and be very straightforward."
Foreword: Actress Yao Chen, the first Chinese UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador.
[표지] 중국의 영화배우 '야오천'. 중국의 첫 유엔난민기구 친선대사January: Russian top model Natalia Vodianova, founder of the charity Naked Heart Russia.
[1월] 러시아 톱모델 나탈리아 보디아노바. 러시아 자선 심장 재단을 설립했다.February: Producer Kathleen Kennedy, the Chairperson of Lucasfilm.
[2월] 루카스영화사의 공동 회장인 영화제작자 캐서린 케네디March: Art collector and patroness Agnes Gund (with her granddaughter Sadie Rain Hope-Gund), President Emerita of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
[3월] 미술품 수집가 이자 자선사업가인 애그니 건드. 옆에는 그녀의 손녀 '사디 레인 호프건드'April: Tennis player Serena Williams, number one in the world.
[4월] 세계적 테니스 탑랭커 '세레나 윌리엄스'May: Opinion leader, critic, and writer Fran Lebowitz.
[5월] 미국의 비평가 이자 작가인 '프란 레보비츠'
June: The President of Ariel Investments, Mellody Hobson, who supports charity projects in Chicago.
[6월] 시카고 투자회사 아리엘 인베스트먼트 사장 멜리디 홉슨. 시카고의 자선프로젝트를 후원했다.
July: Film director Ava DuVernay, whose films include Selma, which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture in 2015.
[7월] 미국의 영화감독 '에바 두버네이' 그녀의 작품인 셀마는 올해 아카데미상 최우수 영화에 노미네이 됐다.August: Actress and blogger Tavi Gevinson, founder of Style Rookie and online magazine Rookie.
[8월] 미국의 영화배우이자 블로거인 '타비 게빈슨' 스타일 루키와 온라인매거진 루키를 만들었다.September: Iranian visual artist Shirin Neshat.
[9월] 이란 출신 시각 예술가 '시린 네샤트' October: Artist, musician, and performer Yoko Ono.
[10월] 아티스트 뮤지션 퍼포머 존 레논의 부인 '오노 요꼬'November: Singer Patti Smith, a world-renowned rock star.
[11월] 미국의 록스타 가수 '패티 스미스' December: Actress and stand-up comedian Amy Schumer.
[12월] 미국의 영화배우이자 1인 코미디언인 '에이미 슈머'
Behind-the-scenes video:
Pirelli: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [NY Times, If It's Hip, It's Here]
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