Handcrafted Jewelry Contains Delicate Pieces of Nature Encased in Resin 자연이 훤히 들여다 보이는 우아한 수공 장신구

Handcrafted Jewelry Contains Delicate Pieces of Nature Encased in Resin

보석디자이너 사라 스미스는 마치 자연 속을 들여다 보는 것 같은 수공 장신구를 제작했다.

요 3주동안 그녀는 순수한 지구에 대한 갈망과 욕구를 충족시키고 싶어하는 사람을 위하여 

복잡한 작업과정을 거쳐 세상에 단 하나밖에 없는 자신의 창조물을 만들었다.

그녀의 작업실에는

소박한 나무의 표피 모양이 섞인 무늬,  생기 넘치는 꽃, 부드러운 잔디, 우아한 깃털 등의 

재료들이 있다. 

세련미의 수지재료에  이런 자연 소재들은 작품을 독특하고 부드럽게 만들어 준다.

모든 작업들은 완전히 수작업으로 이루어진다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert

Artist Sarah Smith designs jewelry that allows anyone to carry a bit of nature with them at all times. For up to three weeks, Smith spends her time planning, pouring resin, curing, and shaping a single creation for someone who can't get enough of Earth's pure beauty. Within her wearable works of art, there are real segments of rustic tree bark, vibrant flowers, fluid grasses, and even elegant feathers. Compared to the resin's sleekness, these natural elements add a touch of softness to make each item distinctly unique.

It's also important to mention that Smith produces her jewelry entirely by hand. This is shown through the minuscule bubbles and bumps one can spot if they look closely. To own a piece of her craftsmanship, Smith has a ever-changing selection of one-of-a-kind works available through her Etsy shop.

Sarah Smith: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Etsy

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