이상한 친구 관계 Tiger Becomes Friends with Live Goat Who's Given to Him as Food(VIDEO)

Tiger Becomes Friends with Live Goat Who's Given to Him as Food

그들 둘은 전생의 동족이었던 모양이다. 호랑이든 염소든

러시아 연해주 프리모르예사파리 동물원 사육사는 시베리아 호랑이 아무르 거처(?)에

티무르라는 염소를 집어넣었다. 

사육사가 먹이로 집어 넣은 것이지만 호랑이는 염소를 먹지 않았다. 

오히려 염소를 보호해주려 했다. 아무르한테서 전에는 볼 수 없었던 행동이었다. 

호랑이를 보고 전혀 공포감을 갖지 않은 염소의 대담함(?)에 아무르도 감명을 받은 듯 하다.

둘은 친구가 됐다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Anna Gragert

Recently, Primorye Safari Park's zookeepers placed a goat named Timur (who didn't have a name at that point) in Amur the Siberian tiger's cage as live food. Instead of treating the goat as his prey, Amur didn't go after Timur. This shocked the creature's caretakers because Amur has never behaved this way toward another animal during his bi-weekly, live animal feedings. "Nobody taught the goat to be afraid of the tiger. So, Amur decided not to mess with the fearless goat, and didn't eat it," explains the park. "During the day, Amur and Timur walk together like a pair of good friends. Timur takes Amur for an alpha male, and follows [him] everywhere. Timur's fearlessness and caution have led to such a paradoxical result."

Since the moment Timur entered Amur's enclosure, the two have rarely left each other's side. Rather than eating live food, the tiger has been eating raw meat and zookeepers don't know if or when he'll switch back. In the meantime, Amur continues to protect his new friend. According to one of the park officials, Amur "hissed at an employee who feeds the tigers, as if to tell him, 'Hey, don't you ever approach my friend.' Before that, he never showed any aggression towards staff." Both Timur and Amur are currently demonstrating that companionship can blossom in the most unlikely places.

via [The DodoRT]

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