‘페이스북'이 고통 주나? 왜 그만 두면 행복해지지? A recent study shows that quitting Facebook could make you a happier person

카테고리 없음|2015. 11. 30. 01:21

덴마크 싱크탱크 ‘행복 연구소’

타인의 멋진 경험 부러워해

자신과 비교하게 돼

source bgr.com

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   인터넷 교류 사이트 ‘페이스북(FB)’을 그만두면 행복해진다? 

덴마크의 싱크탱크 ‘행복 연구소’는 29일, FB 이용을 그만둔 사람은 계속하고 있는 사람에 비해 생활에 대한 만족도가 높아지는 실험 결과를 공표했다.

일본에서 많은 이들이 이용하고 있는 FB는 이용자가 일상 다반사를 문장과 사진을 투고하는 것이 특징이다. 행복 연구소는 많은 이들이 타인의 멋진 경험을 부러워 하는 경향이 있다며 “자신에게 무엇이 필요한지 보다 타인이 무엇을 갖고 있는지를 신경쓰게 된다”라고 지적했다.

실험은 덴마크에 거주하는 1095명을 두 그룹으로 나눠 한 그룹만 FB을 중단하도록 했다. 일주일 후 “생활에 어느 정도 만족하는가”를 10점 만점으로 물은 결과, 이용을 계속한 그룹은 실험 전 7.67점이 실험 후는 7.75점으로 크게 변하지 않았지만, 이용 중단 그룹은 7.56점이 8.12점으로 상승했다.

또한 실험 후에 ‘지금의 기분’을 묻자 중단 그룹은 88%가 ‘행복하다’, 84%가 ‘인생을 즐기고 있다’고 말해 이용 그룹의 각 81%와 75%를 웃돌았다. 중단한 그룹에서 ‘슬프다’고 답한 것은 22%, ‘고독하다’라는 답은 16%였고, 이용 그룹의 경우는 각각 34%와 25%를 기록했다.

실험 참가자 전체의 94%가 FB을 매일 이용하고 69%는 “멋진 일을 찍어 올리는 것이 좋다”고 답했다. [런던 교도]

By Jacob Siegal 

Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg took to Facebook to announce that over 1 billion users had visited the social network in a single day. It was both a terrifying and an incredibly impressive statistic, but it raises an important question — is our mounting dependence on scrolling through timelines and news feeds every time we have a free moment actually making us sad?

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It’s probably a question you’ve asked yourself at some point: What would it be like if I deactivated my Facebook account for a week? As one study shows, you might find yourself less stressed out and more happy.

The Happiness Research Institute (which, yes, is a real think tank in Copenhagen), conducted a study with 1,095 Facebook users in Denmark to see how the social network might be affecting their mood. According to Quartz, the researchers first discovered that over 94% of the participants visited Facebook on a daily basis.

They then split the subjects into two groups — one group continued their daily routine of checking Facebook regularly, while the other group was asked to remove Facebook from their lives entirely.

After one week, the groups reconvened, and the Happiness Research Institute found that 88% of the Facebook quitters said they felt “happy,” while only 81% of Facebook users felt the same. The Facebook users were also significantly more stressed out than the individuals who took a break, with 54% of that group saying they were “worried” to 41% of the break group.

Now, admittedly, this isn’t the most scientific study ever produced. The answers were self-reported, and presumably the participants would have known what the researchers were looking for, possibly determining their answers regarding how they felt. Still, I can offer my own anecdotal evidence and say that when I worked up the willpower to deactivate my Facebook account for a month in 2012, I was noticeably more relaxed.

I think the Happiness Research Institute might be on the something.




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