1400년 된 은행나무의 황금색 낙엽 장관 1,400-Year-Old Gingko Tree Sheds a Spectacular Ocean of Golden Leaves

1,400-Year-Old Gingko Tree Sheds a Spectacular Ocean of Golden Leaves

여기에서 1년에 한번 가을이 되면 1,400년된 은행나무에서 떨어지는 멋진 낙엽의 

정취를 구경할 수 있다. 

주위를 온통 황금색으로 물들이는 낙엽들의 향연은 그야말로 장관이다.

이곳은 중국 종남산에 있는 관음사 경내에 있다. 

이 장관을 보기 위하여 관광객들의 발길이 끊이지 않고 있다.

이 나무는 당나라(618~907)를 창건한 이세민에 의해서 심어졌다고 전해지고 있다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Kristine Mitchell

Once a year, this towering 1,400-year-old tree showcases a transition into fall in a spectacular way—its thousands of leaves change into a radiant shade of gold. Located within the walls of the Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple, in theZhongnan Mountain region of China, this brilliant autumnal display attracts tourists from all over the world. As the leaves fall and create a vibrant ocean of gold, visitors leap at the opportunity to capture photos of the colourful carpet.

Thought to be planted for Emperor Li Shimin, the founding father of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), this famous tree draws in people from all over China. The gingko tree—also known as a maidenhair tree—is an ancient species that is native to China. Besides the magical yellow colour that it adopts in the fall, this particular species of tree is also wonderfully useful, serving as a source of food and equipped with various medical benefits that are recognized in traditional Eastern medicine.

This particularly impressive millennia-old Gingko tree is certainly popular, but as a species this tree is also widely respected for its wealth of benefits and ancient ties to the region.

via [Colossal]

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