45억불 규모 '오만 리와 플라스틱 프로젝트' 수주 협상 완료 ORPIC to award $4.5bn plastic complex contracts

GS건설 등 우선협상대상자 선정 4개 회사

45억불 중 

Chicago Bridge & Iron Co와 CTC, 28억불 지분 

오만 북부 소하르에 위치한 리와 플라스틱 단지 위치도

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

"오만 국영석유회사 ORPIC이 45억불 규모의 오만 플라스틱 콤플렉스 건설공사의 

우선협상대상자를 최종 협상을 완료했다"고 회사 소식통이 전했다.

"EPC로 시행되는 이 프로젝트에 참여하는 4개 회사는 앞으로 4년내에 완료해야 한다"

고 아라비아 비니지스지가 보도했으며 2019년까지 완공 예정으로 있다.

참여 회사 현황은 다음과 같다.

Chicago Bridge & Iron Co and CTC - Steam cracker and utilities(28억불)

Tecnimont - Plastic units

GS E&C, Mitsui & Co - Natural gas liquids extraction facilities

Punj Lloyd - Pipeline

리와 플래스틱 프로젝트는 오만 소하르 북부에 건설 예정이며 

탄화수소 처리 분야의 다각화를 위한 국책사업으로 오만 최초의 폴리에틸렌 생산 설비이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ORPOC says it has finalised negotiations with preferred bidders. 
[Representational Image] 

by Ashleigh McGinley on Nov 26, 2015 

State-owned Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Co (ORPIC) has finalised negotiations with preferred bidders for $4.5bn worth of contracts to build a major plastics complex in the sultnate, according to a company statement. 

The state-owned firm said the four engineering, procurement and contracting packages will be completed in four years, Arabian Business reported.

The plants are scheduled to be commissioned in 2019.

A joint venture between Chicago Bridge & Iron Co and CTCI will be awarded the contract for a steam cracker and utilities, ORPIC said.

In a seperate statement, Chicage Bridge & Iron revealed that the contract would be worth $2.8bn.

Tecnimont will be awarded a contract for plastic units, GS Engineering and Construction and Mitsui & Co a contract for natural gas liquids extraction facilities and Punj Lloyd a contract for a pipeline.

The Liwa Plastics Project, being built in Oman's northern port city of Sohar, is a big part of the sultanate's effort to diversify its economy away from hydrocarbons. It is designed to enable Oman to produce polyethylene for the first time, and to increase its output of polypropylene.




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