삼성물산, 13억1천만불 규모 캐나다 'Site C 수력발전댐' 프로젝트' 공동 수주 $1.5-billion Site C civil works contract awarded to Peace River Hydro Partners

우선협상대상자 선정

스페인 회사 악시오나

캐나다 현지업체 페트로 웨스트와 컨소시엄 구성

삼성지분  4억9000만달러(약 5606억원)

풍부한 경험 글로벌 파트너십 주효

Artist’s rendering of proposed BC Hydro Site C dam.

Site C 수력발전댐 조감도

Site C 수력발전댐 위치도

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    삼성물산 (152,500원 상승500 0.3%)이 캐나다 토목시장에 첫 진출하게 됐다. 


26일 관련업계에 따르면 삼성물산은 캐나다 BC주 전력공사 (BC Hydro)가 발주한 'Site C 수력발전댐' 프로젝트의 우선협상대상자로 선정됐다. 삼성물산은 스페인 회사인 악시오나와 캐나다 현지업체인 페트로 웨스트와 컨소시엄을 이뤄 입찰에 참여했다.

이 프로젝트는 벤쿠버 북동쪽으로 800㎞떨어진 곳에 위치한 BC주 피스강(Peace River)지역에 수력발전댐을 지어 앞으로 20년간 BC주 전력 수요 증가를 대비하는 사업이다. 완공 되면 1100MW 규모의 발전 용량으로 연간 5100GWh의 전력을 공급하게 된다.

총 공사금액은 총 13억1000만달러(약 1조4986억원). 이 중 삼성물산 공사금액은 4억9000만달러(약 5606억원)다. 공사 기간은 96개월로 내년 1월 착공에 들어갈 예정이다.

삼성물산의 캐나다 건설시장 진출은 약 6년 만이다. 2008년 캐나다 온타리오 주에 총 2.5GW 규모의 풍력·태양광사업을 수주한 바 있다. 올 8월엔 북미 최대 규모에 해당하는 100MW 태양광 발전단지를 성공적으로 준공했다.

캐나다 토목사업 진출은 이번이 처음이다. 그동안 삼성물산이 쌓아온 댐공사에 대한 풍부한 노하우와 해외 선진회사들과의 파트너십이 주효했다는 평가다. 같이 참여한 악시오나는 캐나다에서 꾸준히 공사를 진행해 왔으며 페트로 웨스트는 풍부한 인력과 장비를 보유하고 있는 현지 업체다. 

삼성물산은 최근 잇달아 해외 수주 소식을 전하고 있다. 지난 23일 호주 시드니 도심과 남서부를 잇는 33㎞ 길이의 외곽순환도로 '시드니 웨스트 커넥스' 2단계 공사를 8억4000만달러에 수주한 데 이어 25일에는 3억9300만달러 규모의 싱가포르 지하철 공사인 톰스 라인 T307 구간을 단독 수주했다.

캐나다 댐 공사 수주가 확정되면 이번주에만 총 공사비 17억2300만달러(약 1조9711억원) 규모의 해외공사를 수주하게 된다. 이들 공사 모두 선진국에서 수주한 것이어서 의미가 더 크다는 평가다. [머니투데이 배규민 기자]

$1.5-billion Site C civil works contract awarded to Peace River Hydro Partners

Petrowest CEO Rick Quigley speaks in Burnaby on Wednesday. Petrowest is part of the consortium 

awarded a $1.5-billion contract to build the Site C dam. The deal will be formally signed in early 

2016.   Photo By BC Government 

William Stodalka , Matt Preprost / Alaska Highway News 

November 25

The B.C. government has awarded the contract for the main civil works on the Site C dam, and the winning partnership includes a company with operations in Fort St. John and Charlie Lake.

The province and BC Hydro announced Wednesday they will be signing the deal with Peace River Hydro Partners in early 2016. At an estimated $1.5 billion, its the largest contract ever awarded by the utility on the largest infrastructure project in B.C. history.

The partnership is comprised of Acciona Infrastructure Canada Inc., Samsung E&C American Inc., and Petrowest Corporation.

“We’re going to get great value for this money,” said Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald at the announcement in Burnaby, adding the project will come in “on-time and on-budget.”

Site preparations for the $8.8-billion dam have been ongoing since late July.

Quarry work on the Site C dam began in earlier this summer. - Jonny Wakefield 

and Mike Carter 댐 석산 전경

The civil works contract involves construction of the earthfill dam, which will be 60 metres high and one-kilometre long, just downstream of the confluence of the Peace and Moberly Rivers. It also involves building a pair of diversion tunnels and the concrete foundation for the generating station. The work involves excavating 32 million cubic metres of earth.

McDonald said Hydro was confident in the partnership’s “skills and experience” to build the project.

Premier Christy Clark and Energy Minister Bill Bennett made the announcement alongside McDonald and Petrowest CEO Rick Quigley.

The Alaska Highway News tuned in to the announcement via a listen-only teleconference. While questions were taken from reporters in the Lower Mainland, reporters from Fort St. John and Dawson Creek were not given an opportunity to ask questions as part of the teleconference.

Site C spokesman Dave Conway, said the full value of the civil works contract will be known when it's officially awarded, but it is expected to be more than $1.5 billion.


Some 600 workers are expected to be working on the dam by May, McDonald said, adding that 1,500 workers are expected on site by mid-2018.

Quigley said the company’s main focus would be hiring local workers, and called the dam good news for Fort St. John, given this year's collapse in oil prices. 

"Families in the Peace are counting on the opportunity that will come with the building of this project," Quigley said. “This project is a critical job creator for my community. It’s no secret that the oil and gas has impacted the industry with the downturn in the prices.”

The award of the contract to Petrowest, formed in 2006 in an amalgamation of nine companies including a Fort St. John firm, underscored the government's commitment to hire local workers, Clark said.

Petrowest previously built the Fort St. John hospital along with Acciona, and Quigley lives in Fort St. John. However, its head office is listed in Calgary. In August, it was awarded a $7.3-million subcontract to prep the land for the Site C work camp.

Some labour groups and local businesses have questioned whether or not the people employed on the project were from outside of the province.

Energy Minister Bill Bennett confronted the question of local workers head on, saying Alberta licence plates on vehicles at the construction site were evidence of B.C. workers "coming home." 

“Somebody says there’s a lot of Alberta licence plates kicking around” he said. “That’s because B.C. (workers) have come home from Alberta to work on this project.”

Bennett added that anyone from Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Hudson’s Hope, Taylor, Chetwynd, Tumbler Ridge, and others who want to work “will have an opportunity to work on the Site C project.”


Wednesday’s announcement comes on the heels of NDP leader John Horgan's comments last week that he remains open to cancelling the dam if elected in 2017.

The dam is still subject to numerous provincial and federal court challenges from the West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations over its impact on treaty rights, and the permits issued so far allowing construction to proceed.

The Peace Valley Landowner Association also has an appeal in B.C. Supreme Court over the dam’s environmental certificate.

Association president Ken Boon said no date has been set to hear the appeal, but expects the hearing to happen sometime in spring.

Boon called the "rush to award" major contracts for the dam "irresponsible."

"What they are doing is creating a crisis," Boon told the Alaska Highway News.

"They know all these legal challenges are going on, and that there's a growing call to halt construction and get it reviewed properly.

"They're hell-bent to get this project built as fast and hard as they can so people think it's irreversible," he said.

Boon called the dam a "white elephant"  for which the province doesn't have a "social licence" to build, or a demonstrated need for its power. 

He added that landowners affected by the dam are not opposed to creating jobs.

"They're doing everything they can to get social licence, and right now… they're trying to garner local support just on the backs of jobs," he said.

"You're announcing a death sentence on a river valley, and all you can talk about is the jobs you're creating. The need has not been demonstrated."

Clark told reporters in the Lower Mainland she was “really confident that BC Hydro has done its homework” on its legal issues.

“There are always going to be legal challenges to any infrastructure project,” she said. “I’m hopeful that courts will find BC Hydro has done its job.”

Another potential roadblock could be the new federal Liberal government, which so far hasn’t said whether it would support or oppose the dam.

As for claims Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is lukewarm on the project, Clark said "I haven't heard that at all,” adding the project did not come up in a recent meeting with the prime minister.

“I would say it’s hard to argue with clean energy that comes from hydro projects,” Clark said.




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